View Full Version : Signature Uploader [xxsU]-XenXer0

21-04-2011, 08:08 AM
This is a small snippet I ripped out of my media uploader project. It's purpose is to make a simple field to add a signature uploader into the signature editor page.

Upload the contents of the xxsU.zip to your site root

Then you must set your board to debug mode ( to have the uploader show up in all styles you must enter debug mode and edit the MASTER style.) replace the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx with your ip, if you are unsure of your ip goto http://ipchicken.com (http://ipchicken.com/) and copy paste your ip in this snippet and place it in your xenforo config file located in www/library/config.php

if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx')
$config['debug'] = true;

Once in debug mode you can proceed to navigate to the account_signature template which is in the admin control panel @: appearance > templates > Master Style >

or replacing yourxenforo.com with your domain ...


In the template editor viewing the account_signature template, go to the end of the doc and paste the following code:

<ol id="forums" class="nodelist sectionMain">
<iframe src ="/xxsU.html" width="100%" height="300" frameBorder="0">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
<a href="/account/signature">refresh the signature page</a>


the docs you have uploaded need to be edited as well for your domain....

All that must be changed is the domain name to be relative to your site. Open the xxsU.php file and edit the line above every instance of // replace your.com with the name of your xenforo installation's domain. There is 5 edits for address in file, 1 in the first part and the other 4 are one after another lower in the doc.

end results...


I'm half asleep right now so, let me know what if anything needs a fixxin an I will get to it.

source thread http://xenforo.com/community/threads/signature-uploader-xxsu-xenxer0.10734/#post-196847