View Full Version : Slide 4 ảnh cho CMS ở Forum Content

22-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Slide 4 ảnh cho CMS ở Forum Content
Hướng dẫn các bạn tạo 1 slide 4 ảnh thủ công rất đẹp ở CMS , các bạn muốn chèn vào forum home cũng được. Hiệnt tại chỉ là edit skin, ai có khả năng thì cho nó lên thành product dùm nhé

http://www.vietvbb.vn/up/attachment.php?attachmentid=33543&stc=1&d=1309576831 (http://www.vietvbb.vn/up/attachment.php?attachmentid=33543&stc=1&d=1309576831)

Upload cmsslide to your root forum, e.x: www.domain.com/up (http://www.domain.com/up) , so upload to up

Add this code to the end of header temp

<!-- START Fx.Slide -->
<!-- The CSS - hoangduy.uel --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="cmsslide/css/fx.slide.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <!-- Mootools - the core --> <script type="text/javascript" src="cmsslide/js/mootools-1.2-core-yc.js"></script> <!--Toggle effect (show/hide login form) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="cmsslide/js/mootools-1.2-more.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="cmsslide/js/fx.slide.js"></script> <!-- END Fx.Slide -->

Create a widget, then add this to the widget
<SCRIPT src="cmsslide/js/flashobj.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<div id="sasFlashFocus27"> <script type="text/javascript"> var swf_width=522 var swf_height=245 var files = 'cmsslide/img/01.jpg|cmsslide/img/02.jpg|cmsslide/img/03.jpg|cmsslide/img/04.jpg'; var links = 'showthread.php?5950-Ky-niem&p=15378|#|#|#'; var texts = 'Tin so 1|Tin so 2|Tin so 3|Tin so 4'; var sohuFlash2 = new sohuFlash("cmsslide/js/tinmoi.swf", "27",522,245, "4"); sohuFlash2.addParam("quality", "high"); sohuFlash2.addParam("wmode", "opaque"); sohuFlash2.addVariable("image","cmsslide/img/01.jpg|cmsslide/img/02.jpg|cmsslide/img/03.jpg|cmsslide/img/04.jpg"); sohuFlash2.addVariable("url","#|#|#|#"); sohuFlash2.addVariable("info", "Tin so 1|Tin so 2|Tin so 3|Tin so 4"); sohuFlash2.addVariable("stopTime","5000"); sohuFlash2.write("sasFlashFocus27"); </script>

DOne, Press F5 and see!

Các bạn có thể thay ảnh và dòng tin như code ở dưới, link thay chỗ dấu #

néu link 4rum các bạn là

Code: (Click here to copy code to clipboard) (http://www.vietvbb.vn/up/showthread.php?t=56821#)


Thay vào đó đoạn:Code: (Click here to copy code to clipboard) (http://www.vietvbb.vn/up/showthread.php?t=56821#)
