View Full Version : Templateconvert from vB3 to vB4

06-02-2010, 10:43 AM
Mod này giúp bạn convert template của bản VBB 3.8.x lên bản 4.0

Warning: This Mod is only for developers! Don't use this in live boards.

With this script you can convert vB3 templates to the vB4 syntax. You can make backup from the old templates, to a later error compare.

Before you merge the templates you can compare old and new syntax.

The folder /dev/backup => CHMOD 0777.

Good Luck. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

* OWN RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* <if condition="xyz"> to <vb:if condition="xyz">
* <else /> to <vb:else />
* </if> to </vb:if>
* $vbphrase[xyz] to {vb:rawphrase xyz}
* $vboptions[xyz] to {vb:raw vboptions.xyz}
* $session[xyz] to {vb:raw session.xyz}
* $bbuserinfo[xyz] to {vb:raw bbuserinfo.xyz}
* $pagenav to {vb:raw pagenav}
* $foo(.*) to {vb:raw foo(.*)} Textarea Input you can use multiple variables $foo(.*) and $baz(.*) etc.

Screen Shot