View Full Version : [DBTech] Random Questions v2.0

08-06-2010, 06:05 PM
Random Questions: What is it?

DragonByte Technologies is proud to present version 1.0 of [DBTech] Random Questions.

The Random Questions mod is intended to increase activity in your forum, attract back old members, and encourage members to form friendships (and thus stay).

It accomplishes this by allowing/encouraging users to answer random questions about each other. The questions are settable by the admin (5 included in the Lite XML as an example). The questions can be anything from “What do you think {usernames} favourite game is?” to “Do you think {username} Wants a pet dinosaur?”. These questions usually serve to bring random people closer together, and have people communicate with each other who otherwise might not have. It's a great way to inspire closer bonds in your community (And, of course, having friends is one of the big reason people stay on forums)
If you like our modification, Please nominate it for Mod of the Month (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/vborg_miscactions.php?do=nominate&threadid=243967&type=1)!
We appreciate the support!


Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/forum.php


[B]Lite Feature List:

v2.0 Features:

Answer Rating: You can rate the answers people have given you via your own profile. Let people know what you think of their answers!

v1.1 Features:

Random Questions: This lets users click on a tab to start answering random questions about other members, anything from should they post more, to what animal would they be. The questions load in realtime AJAX, and after submitting an answer, a new question will fade in.

Notifications: Users are notified whenever a new answer is submitted about them, letting them keep up to date on what people are saying about them!

Profile “Answers” Tab: Adds a new tab to the profile letting you keep track of what answers have been made about you.

Permissions: Set who can use the mod, exactly what answers they can see and what options are available to them.

Question Manager: Allows admins to add, edit or delete questions to be asked. You can add an Unlimited number of questions in here

Extra Pro Features:

Extra Privacy Options: Set whether your answer is public or private, per answer. This lets you answer a question about someone without the rest of the forum seeing what you said.

Specify who to answer about: This lets you choose who you want to answer questions about – Everyone, Friends, Online users or even specify a particular person!

User Options: A variety of extra options for users, allowing them to submit questions for consideration, toggle the notification on new answers and more.

Requests: Lets users send PMs requesting specific other users answer questions about them

User Limitations: Require X posts to have questions answered about that member, require X answers to see answers about oneself.

Feature List: Lite

Answer Questions Page

Ajax submitting/reloading of questions
Log statistics about each answer
Send notification for new answers


Answers Tab
Answer Ratings


vBulletin Options

Global enable/disable
Turn statistic tracking on/off
Turn request PM's on/off
Turn review questions on/off

Usergroup Permissions

Can view own answers
Can view all answers
Can view private answers
Can specify own questions
Can submit questions for review
Can send request PM

Edit User

Is user banned from viewing/answering questions

Question Manager

Add/Edit/Delete questions
View/Approve pending questions for review

Feature List: Pro

Answer Questions Page

Set answer as public/private
Specify if answering for - random users/specified user/friends/users online
Require x posts to be included
Require X answers to read answers


Specify own questions page
Toggle notification on new answers
Define usernames to answer questions about
Submit questions for review page


Send request PM asking for question to be asked about yourself


Random Answer Widget/Bar
