View Full Version : Social Engine 4 Final - Nulled and Tested

08-07-2010, 12:20 PM

Installation Instructions

* In order to install SocialEngine4, you need four pieces of information. If you don't have any of these, please contact your hosting provider and ask them for assistance.
o MySQL Server Address (often "localhost", "", or the server IP address)
o MySQL Database Name
o MySQL Username
o MySQL Password
* Download the SocialEngine4 ZIP file and extract it to your computer.
* Upload all of the files to your hosting account (it can exist either in the root HTML directory, or a subdirectory).
o If you are using a Unix server (or Unix variant, like Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.) you must set the permissions (CHMOD) of the following directories and files to 777:
+ /install/config/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
+ /temporary/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
+ /public/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
+ /application/themes/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this should also be changed)
+ /application/packages/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this should also be changed)
+ /application/languages/ (recursively; all directories and files contained within this must also be changed)
+ /application/settings/ (recursively; all files contained within this must also be changed)
* Access the SocialEngine installer by accessing your website; the installer wizard will automatically begin.
* Upload all the files to a hosting account. These files should be uploaded to a web-accessible directory.

Plugin Installation

Plugin installation will function very similarly to the SocialEngine upgrade process.

* Download each of the plugin TAR files you wish to install.
* Log into your SocialEngine 4 site and access the Admin area.
* Access the Manage menu and click on Packages & Plugins.
* Click on the Install New Packages link, then on the Add Packages link.
* Select the TAR files you download in step 1
* Follow the step-by-step wizard to complete the installation of the plugin files.

Signing In

Member and Admin accounts are unified in SocialEngine, so you as the site owner can use the same username and password to access the website. A user account with super-admin privileges is created for you during the installation process. Additional user accounts can be created via the signup process, and specific privileges can be assigned by you, the admin, after the account has been created.

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key: 3441-2205-7756-1470