View Full Version : Animated Avatars in threads

21-04-2011, 02:04 PM
This is a simple template edit that allows animated avatars to show in posts. You have two options here:

1. Forces the size of all avatars to be 96x96
2. Allow avatars to use their aspect ration.

Forced 96x96 edit: Open template message_user_info


<xen:avatar user="$user" size="m" />
Replace with

<a class="username avatar Av{$user.user_id}l" href="{xen:link members, $user}">
<img src="{xen:helper avatar, $user, l, 'true'}" alt="{$user.username}" height="96px" width="96px" itemprop="photo" />
Aspect ration edit: Open template message_user_info


<xen:avatar user="$user" size="m" />
Replace with

<a class="username avatar Av{$user.user_id}l" href="{xen:link members, $user}">
<img src="{xen:helper avatar, $user, l, 'true'}" alt="{$user.username}" style="max-height:96px;max-width:96px;" itemprop="photo" />
Edit: Working on the URL for the avatar to profile. Anyone know the code for this? http://xenforomods.info/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.png
Edit: Complete. http://xenforomods.info/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.png
Edit: Updated added username to the class in the url. Remove this if you do not want the profile card popping up and you just want a direct link to the profile page.

source thread : http://xenforo.com/community/threads/animated-avatars-in-threads.14807/