View Full Version : vB Bad Behavior

Tiểu Bá Vương 1404
07-06-2011, 07:05 PM
What is vB Bad Behavior?
This is an integration of the Bad Behavior software with vBulletin. This integration is currently based on Bad Behavior's development version. Given the nature of this integration, and the current version of Bad Behavior - this mod will be considered BETA for the time being.

What is Bad Behavior?
Bad Behavior is a PHP-based solution for blocking link spam and the robots which deliver it. Bad Behavior complements other link spam solutions by acting as a gatekeeper, preventing spammers from ever delivering their junk, and in many cases, from ever reading your site in the first place. This keeps your site's load down, makes your site logs cleaner, and can help prevent denial of service conditions caused by spammers.

Visit http://bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ for more.

For more information on the features of Bad Behavior (and subsequently this mod) please go to Bad Behavior's site:


For features related to the mod itself, please take a look at the screenshots.

This mod should work with vB 4.x, it was tested on 4.1.2/4.1.3. Screenshots are from vB 3.x, but it should still look relatively the same with vB4.

1. Extract the contents of the zip file.
2. Upload the contents of the `upload` folder to your forum root.
3. Enter your AdminCP and go to Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
4. Import the product using the `product-vb_badbehavior.xml` file.
5. Configure the mod in AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> vB Bad Behavior Options


vB Bad Behavior
In many cases, all you'll need to do to upgrade is follow the installation instructions above.

The only difference, will be you'll need to allow the files to overwrite. Also, when re-importing the product file, you'll need to set "Allow Overwrite" to "Yes".

Bad Behavior
Bad Behavior's files are at `/includes/bad-behavior/`. If you wish to update manually go to:


And download the latest development version. Extract the zip, and upload the contents of `bad-behavior` to `/includes/bad-behavior/` allowing the files to overwrite.

The current version of Bad Behavior this mod is using is: v2.1.15
The current version of Bad Behavior (development) is: v2.1.15

Version 1.0.6, 01/04/2012

Bad Behavior upgraded to 2.1.15

Version 1.0.5, 05/26/2011

Added option for bypassing users/members.
If the visitor is a user, and is in usergroup 5, 6, or 7 (admin/mod/super mod) - Bad Behavior is bypassed.
Modified bad-behavior core to check for Google Web Preview

file edited: /includes/bad-behavior/core.inc.php

Added a link beside the IP address in the log for WhoIs.

Version 1.0.4, 04/28/2011

Bad Behavior upgraded to 2.1.13 (fixes search engine block issues)
Added Paypal/Paypal IPN IP address to the whitelist.
Added payment gateway file names to the whitelist.

Version 1.0.3, 04/21/2011

Fix #1: Pruning log doesn't work.
Fix #3: POST more than two days after GET (added support for BB's javascript)
Fix #5: Cannot modify header information error (suppressed error in BB's function)
Implemented #6: Filter per key (new admincp option to list keys not to be shown in log)
Implemented #9: Show link to member profile (if userid is found in headers, link to profile)

Version 1.0.2, 04/10/2011

Updated /includes/functions_vb_badbehavior.php to:

disable Reverse Proxy if Reverse Proxy Addresses are empty
distinguish SQL queries using "SET", for example: SET @@session.wait_timeout = 90 - which is used by BB
set "offsite_forms" to false by default, as it's not really needed in vB IMHO, and it can cause problems with certain setups
cleaned up the bb2_read_settings() function and fixed a typo in one of the vbulletin options calls

Updated /includes/whitelist.ini to include the following GOOGLE ranges:

Updated /admincp/vb_badbehavior.php

Log pruning was pruning all logs, despite what was entered for number of days

Version 1.0.1, 04/06/2011

Bad Behavior upgraded to 2.1.12
Changed files:


"Verbose" admin option now set to "No" by default.

Version 1.0.0, 04/05/2011

Initial release.

Screenshots can now be seen at: http://www.secondversion.com/images/vb/vb_badbehavior/