View Full Version : Word Links (Turn words into links)

12-06-2011, 04:21 PM
The purpose of this mod is to automatically turn keywords or phrases you specify into links. You set a list of keywords and a list of URLs to link them to and let the mod do the rest.

Demo Link (http://www.juot.net/forums/showthread.php?t=58948) (VB 3.x version, works the same.)

There are many options as you can see in the screenshot. You can choose to include the "nofollow" attribute, choose to open links in a new tab, choose to match whole words only or not, specify specific forums, enable in social groups and visitor messages, and disable completely for selected usergroups.

Version: 1.2
Now at release level 1.0 status after several weeks of beta testing!

New in 0.91: Limit the number of links created per keyword per post.
New in 0.92: Use CSS to customize the look of links created by this mod.
New in 0.93: Linked words now retain the same case as they were originally typed. Also a new option to specify whether linked words are case sensitive or not.
New in 0.935: Fixed conflict with VBSEO and possibly other mods. Upgrade if you are having problems.
New in 0.94: Made the "Custom CSS" an option to prevent unnecessary HTML if not needed.
New in 0.95: Enable or disable in PMs.
New in 0.96: Should fix conflicts with AME3 mod, restores same case change in 0.93.
New in 1.0: Additional code to prevent unintended linking. No new features.
New in 1.1: Set approximate number of max links per page.
New in 1.2: Fixed bug when Ampersands (&) were used in keywords.

Example... If someone types:

"I bought it on Amazon."

This mod can auto convert it to:

"I bought it on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/)."

And you would presumably put your Amazon affiliate code, if you had one, in the link.

3 Plugins, No files to upload, no database changes.

NOTE: This mod does not work on CMS pages or blogs as I do not have the VB4 Suite (only the forum) so I can't include those features.

NOTE 2: This mod does not alter the actual posts or the database. Disabling or uninstalling the mod will remove all links.

Full instructions in zip file.

*NEW IN 0.92*

As of version 0.92 all links created are within a <span> tag of class "boplink." This allows you to customize the look of the links created by this mod ussing CSS.

In your "Additional CSS" you can add the following CSS code and customize it to your liking for each of your styles. This is OPTIONAL. If you do not add this CSS links will retain the same style as existing links in your posts.

Sample CSS:

.boplink A:link {background: yellow; text-decoration: none}
.boplink A:visited {background: yellow; text-decoration: none}
.boplink A:active {background: yellow; text-decoration: none}
.boplink A:hover {background: yellow; font-weight:bold; color: red;}
This CSS will highlight the links in yellow and turn the text to red and bold when mouse-overed.

In VB 4.x additional css is a template: CSS Templates -> additional.css.

Since the following words are used in HTML tags I would avoid them as keywords:
style, div, class, pre, href, img, html, meta, name, rel, nofollow, and link.

I would also avoid any single letter or two letter keywords since they could easily be used accidentally in places you weren't intending.
