View Full Version : share code show hình , bán thẻ game....

21-06-2011, 08:59 PM
Xem Demo : www.missdue.com (http://www.missdue.com/)
Link down: www.missdue.com/code.zip (http://www.missdue.com/code.zip)

Setup :
+ Tạo database trong host
+ up code lên rồi run : http://domain.*/install
Hướng dẫn update Lang Vietnamese
Download: http://missdue.com/Lang_Vietnamese_InterPhoto2.5.rar
- Các bạn tải file và chép đè vào các thư mục tương ứng.
- Vào admin mặc định Lang Vietnamese.

Hướng dẫn set up = tiếng anh

1. Installation£º
A. System Requirement£º
1. Web Server: Unix/Linux (recommended) or Windows.
2. PHP4.1 and above.
3. MySQL4.0 and above.

B. Install InterPhoto:
1. Unzip the InterPhoto package you got, next config FTP's uploading mode as "Binary Mode",
then upload all files to your site.

2. CHMOD folders below if your server is linux or unix:

./admin/backup/ CHMOD to 777
./config/ CHMOD to 777
./MyWebsiteImages/ CHMOD to 777
./library/smarty/templates_c/ CHMOD to 777
./UploadImages/ CHMOD to 777

If you want edit languages or templates online, you should CHMOD to 777 all files and folders below:

./languages/ CHMOD to: 777
./languages/*.* CHMOD to: 777
./templates/ CHMOD to: 777
./templates/*.* CHMOD to: 777

3. Create a new mysql database or get the connection parameters of an old mysql database.

4. View your site, intall InterPhoto step by step.

5. Delete ./install/ directory after installation is over. Renaming the default Admin directory(admin/)
is strongly recommended for higher security.

21-06-2011, 09:11 PM
Code này nóng quá :d

01-04-2012, 08:47 PM
không att mất code rồi

02-04-2012, 01:05 AM
Có thấy tăng gì đâu :@)

02-04-2012, 01:07 AM
Die hết rồi, ai có fix lại đi