View Full Version : SCANU's Warning to Users Awaiting Email Confirmation

23-09-2011, 04:37 PM

This modification add a warn in the forum that alert users that they are awaiting email confirmation (only if they are). Look at the screenshots for more!

Installation - Upgrade
Upload the xml file via admincp and go in settings -> Warning to users... to customize the text and the style
Upgrade: Redownload and reupload the file, making sure that overwriting is set to yes

Version History
- 1.0
- First release on vbulletin.org

- 2.0
- You can choose the color of the text
- You can choose the color of the warn
- You can choose the id of the UAEC usergroup (so you can use this mod for general warn to specific usergroup)
- Now the CSS options and the warn options are separated
- More similiar version to Guest Warn
- Most stable version.

- 2.0.5 Fixed some bugs and re-written the warn without grammatical errors (many thanks to OldSchoolDSL)+

- Work in progress: 2.1
- I'm looking for new feature request you can request your feature responding to this thread

Tiểu Bá Vương 1404
06-12-2011, 05:57 PM
Cập nhật phiên bản mới : 2.0.5.

- 2.0.5 Fixed some bugs and re-written the warn without grammatical errors (many thanks to OldSchoolDSL)+

07-12-2011, 10:50 AM
dùng bản 2.0.5. thì ko tắt được thông báo.
nó hiện 2 cái id="message-1" và id="message-2" . ( View mã HTML)
tắt thì style của id="message-1" bằng none.
Cái 2 vẫn còn hiện ko tắt được
User/pass: laptrinhC/123456