View Full Version : Two columns of categories

19-01-2012, 06:11 AM
Two columns of categories

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change log

Optimization of the code
No more one column with 50% width - fixed completely
The hack works now with categories which act as forum
Gap issue fixed!

This mod splits the categories list into two columns.

Works with all vBulletin 4.1.X versions,
may work with 4.x, not checked

you don't have to change anything in the templates,
just upload the plugin and that's all.

- Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

Settings -> Options -> Two columns of categories

- Enable/Disable the hack
- Set the margin between categories
- Disable the hack in specific styles


http://s17.postimage.org/notbu4f4b/screenshot.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/notbu4f4b/) http://s17.postimage.org/irfr90d57/settings.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/irfr90d57/)


[06-12-11] v1.0:
First Release
[06-12-11] v1.1:
Fix minor bug: the necessary css now loads only in the index
[07-12-11] v1.2:
Fix bug: necessary css now work for who choose save css as files
[08-12-11] v1.3:
The hack works now with all 4.1.X versions
[10-12-11] v1.4:
New Feature: Disable the hack in specific styles
[13-02-12] v1.5:

Optimization of the code
No more one column with 50% width - fixed completely
The hack works now with categories which act as forum
Gap issue fixed!

Future Features (not included in this version):

Ability to choose which categories to split instead of all categories.

For those who run version 1.4 or older, and modified the css template - must revert this template.

19-01-2012, 10:55 PM
cái mod này categories bên dưới nó không tiếp nối luôn categories bên trên nhỉ. Hai cái categories hai bên cứ thẳng hàng làm cho categories có các sub-forum khác nhau thì sẽ thừa khoảng trống nhìn rất xấu