View Full Version : Logo Rotator

19-11-2009, 11:15 AM

This small hack/scrpit will rotate logo in vb4.x (In fact I have been using this script since vb 3.6)

I got this script from the Internet long time back so all the credit goes to the author of the script.

1) You need to upload the contents of the folder "upload" to the root directory of your site.
2) Then upload the logo's you want to rotate to "images/titleimage/" directory. (Delete example images from this folder else they will be used by rotation script)
---Images must be of all same size else the page jumps as the images gets taller or shorter.
--- Images can be in jpg, gif and png format.
3) Edit the title image path in stylevars to "images/titleimages/logo.php". (See screenshot)

PS. At the moment CMS page header don't use the same header code so this script doesn't work on CMS pages. When vBulletin fixes this issue this script will work with CMS pages too.