19-09-2014, 08:57 AM
Today, we are excited to release XenForo 1.4.0 (http://vxf.vn/tags/xenforo+1.4.0/), the first supported version in the XenForo 1.4 series. This release builds on previous versions of XenForo to add new features and bug fixes. We are now confident in recommending customers to upgrade their production websites to 1.4.0. Please see upgrade information below.
New Features
The new features in XenForo 1.4 include:
Selective quoting
Automated bounce email handling
Sitemap XML generation
Inline moderation in search results
Author alerts for moderator actions
Thread reply bans
Custom help pages
Online status indicator in messages
Polling improvements
New Features
The new features in XenForo 1.4 include:
Selective quoting
Automated bounce email handling
Sitemap XML generation
Inline moderation in search results
Author alerts for moderator actions
Thread reply bans
Custom help pages
Online status indicator in messages
Polling improvements