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View Full Version : Tp Jobs Component

09-01-2010, 02:42 PM
v1.0.2 Version Updated and includes 3 Modules
Changelog in version v1.0.2

Comp TPJobs

* Fixed short description issue in the backend and frontend when editing / adding jobs
* Fixed issue when delete jobs from backend
* Fixed "Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated" issue
* Fixed ZIP problem with alphabhet character
* Fixed view latest job, now jobs are displayed from newer to older
* Added delete option in the billing history (backend)
* Added 'city' field to search form
* Added total credit to employer list and employer profile in the backend
* Added email alert to admin after a jobs package purchase by manual transfer
* Added alert if a username has been taken by other, and go back to registration page
* Added message "Profile saved successfully" after user profile editing
* Added message a 'search returned no results' when the job search / resume search has no results.

Mod TPJobsSearch

Added city field to search form


Added fields: first_name and last_name to #__tpjobs_jobseeker

Changed Files

Com TPJobs

* com_ tpjobs.xml
* component/tpjobs.php
* component/tpjobs.php.html.php
* admin/admin.tpjobs.php
* admin/admin.tpjobs.html.php

Mod TPJobsearch

* tmpl/default.php

Updated Packages

* Jobs Plazza Quickstart
* Jobs Plazza zip package
* Com TP Jobs and mod TPJobsearch in the Club Extensions download page


To upgrade :

* Component TPJobs - Simply uninstall the old version and install the new one.
* Mod TPJobsearch - Simply uninstall the old version and install the new one, or you can upload these files manually
- tmpl/default.php
- mod_tpjobssearch.xml
* overwrite the old files
