View Full Version : 1GB-5GB/10GB-25GB/PHP/DA/Reseller/Domain/paradoxservers.net

03-02-2010, 09:01 PM
Paradox Servers has now opened its doors to reseller hosting.

Hermit Hosting - Shared:
1GB RAID-10 Protected disk quota;
10GB Monthly transfer;
10 of each feature;
Direct Admin;

Turtle Hosting - Reseller:

5GB RAID-10 Protected disk quota;
25GB Monthly Transfer;
30 of each feature;
10 account limit;
Overselling enabled;
Direct Admin;
Price - Free.

All plan limits can be upgraded. More information in the upgrade thread on my forum.

Teamspeak hosting:
For teamspeak, simply PM me what you need on FWS and I will set it up. You will get your own channel in my teamspeak server.

Server supports the following:
128MB PHP memory limit;
100MB PHP file size limit.
20MB File Manger upload limit, applies only to the file manager.
Zend Optimizer;

The server does support other things, but these are the major things. Feel free to submit a support thread if you need to see if something is supported.

Q: How do I get a plan upgrade?.
A: Upgrades do not cost money or posts. The only requirement for you to get a upgrade is that you are using at least 60% usage on either Disk Quota, Monthly Transfer or Features.

Q: What am I allowed and not allowed to host?.
A: Terms of Service (http://paradoxservers.net/index.php/topic,23.0.html)

Q: You have to be overselling to provide this.
A: Not at all. Unlike our competition we are not out to get a thousand or two accounts. After a certain limit is reached we will simply stop offering this until more spots open up.

Q: Are you a reseller?.
A: No. We own our own hardware. The server is powered by a Phenom II 940, 8GB Ram, 4x500GB RAID-10 array, 1TB backup drive for the array.

Q: Why are you offering so much for free?.
A: Because we would run out of monthly transfer long before space if we tried providing 600MB space per client, or even 2GB space per client - might as well use it all.

Q: Are there any limitations, other then your Terms of Service?.
A: No. Your free to do whatever you want with your hosting as long as it abides by our Terms of Service.

Q: Where do I sign up?.
A: You need to make an application on our forum. You can find the area for this here (http://paradoxservers.net/index.php/board,28.0.html).

Q: How fast will my pages load?.
A: A wordpress blog takes exactly 0.5 seconds to load according to google webtools. Obviously that doesn't mean every wordpress will, but you get the picture.

Q: Can I test my connection speed to your server?.
A: You can do so here (http://paradoxservers.net/index.php/topic,54.0.html).

Q: So, just to be sure I am guaranteed my Disk Quota?.
A: Correct. You will have full access to your resources. You may use it however you like as long as it abides by our Terms of Service.

Q: But what if I need extra transfer or disk quota, or something else?.
A: You can find more information on these options here (http://paradoxservers.net/index.php/topic,130.0.html).

Q: I need a feature your server doesn't support.
A: Feel free to open a support ticket or thread. It is possible the feature you are requesting was disabled for security reasons. In this event, it will not be enabled for you. Otherwise, I will make my decision ultimately on what you need it for and how it will effect everyone else.