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View Full Version : Social Engine 3.19 Completly Nulled ! 100% Working

16-02-2010, 09:38 PM
http://www.socialengine.net/images/logo_new2.gif Social Engine v 3.19 Nulled By Bfrnz Team
Make Your Own Social Networking Sites like Facesland, Facebook & Bfrnz Now.
Why Social Engine v 3.19
100% Unencoded PHP code
Instant download
Hosted on your server
Actively developed
No "powered by" branding
Custom profiles
Subnetworks & privacy
Social Engine 3.19 Changes :-
1. signup.php - Fixed bug where a non-active profile category would prevent new signups when sorted above active profile category
2. footer.php - Logout token assignment
3. header.php - Updated caching/sessions; added support for banning ip ranges
4. user_logout.php - Uses token to prevent IMG XSS
5. admin/admin_cache.php - Updated caching (now includes apc and xcache support)
6. admin/admin_header.php - Updated caching/sessions
7. admin/admin_login.php - Now stripping EOL characters from username/password when logging in
8. admin/admin_session.php - Updated sessions (now includes db support)
9. admin/admin_url.php - Fixed profile's .htacces mod_rewrite rule for profile tab access (note: please re-generate your .htaccess file via Admin > URL Settings for this change to take effect)
10. images/secure.php - Modification to prevent captcha XSS problems
11. include/cache/* - Removed (moved to cake)
12. include/cake/* - Added
13. include/session/* - Removed (moved to cake)
14. include/class_comment.php - Prevents captcha XSS problem
15. include/class_firephp.php - PHP4 compat version of firephp protocol (not activated by default, used for troubleshooting ajax)
16. include/class_inputfilter.php - Replaced/upgraded
17. include/class_upload.php - Compatibility fix for PHP 5.3.0+ (renamed GD "JPEG Support")
18. include/class_url.php - Modification to "base href" meta tag to make visibility with HTTPS/SSL protection compatible
19. include/functions_general.php - Compat for cake/basics; added support for banning ip ranges; cleanHTML() uses new inputfilter class; censored words now only strip words wrapped by word boundaries
20. include/js/class_comments.js - Fixed reply-to-comments error with directory-based URLs
21. include/js/core-min.js - Rebuilt
22. include/js/sprintf.js - Rewritten
23. include/version.php - Incremented version
24. templates/admin_cache.tpl - Updated caching
25. templates/admin_fields.tpl - Changed pt font definition to px to ensure Windows DPI does not affect layout
26. templates/admin_language_edit.tpl - Changed pt font definition to px to ensure Windows DPI does not affect layout
27. templates/admin_login.tpl - Changed pt font definition to px to ensure Windows DPI does not affect layout
28. templates/admin_lostpass_reset.tpl - Changed pt font definition to px to ensure Windows DPI does not affect layout

This optimization is particularly noticeable in bude large networks.
Fixed problems with sessions.
Improved caching.
Fixed hole in code.
Price - $300+
My SE Site - www.bfrnz.com (http://www.bfrnz.com/)
Download: http://sharepro.info/download.php?id=4906C7A31

15-03-2010, 08:48 PM
link điên rùi anh ơi fix lại đi