22-02-2010, 07:08 PM
This hack limits each poster to one signature per page. This reduces the number of outbound links per page and helps reduce the mass posting by spammers simply trying to get a large number of links in a popular thread.
################################################## ############
## MOD Title: Signature displayed once per page
## MOD Author: William Cross < william@seo-shop.com >
## MOD Description: To reduce outbound links on threads, this MOD will display a poster's signature only once per topic.
## MOD Version: 1.0
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: ~ 1 minute
## Files To Edit:
## viewtopic.php
## Included Files: N/A
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
################################################## ############
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
################################################## ############
## MOD History:
## 2010-1-28 - Version 1.0
## - Successfully tested with phpBB 3.0.6
################################################## ############
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
################################################## ############
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// Output the posts
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
$signat[$poster_id] = 0;
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = bbcode_nl2br($user_cache[$poster_id]['sig']);
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = smiley_text($user_cache[$poster_id]['sig']);
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig_parsed'] = true;
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
if($signat[$poster_id] >= 2){
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = '';
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM
################################################## ############
## MOD Title: Signature displayed once per page
## MOD Author: William Cross < william@seo-shop.com >
## MOD Description: To reduce outbound links on threads, this MOD will display a poster's signature only once per topic.
## MOD Version: 1.0
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: ~ 1 minute
## Files To Edit:
## viewtopic.php
## Included Files: N/A
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
################################################## ############
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
################################################## ############
## MOD History:
## 2010-1-28 - Version 1.0
## - Successfully tested with phpBB 3.0.6
################################################## ############
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
################################################## ############
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// Output the posts
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
$signat[$poster_id] = 0;
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = bbcode_nl2br($user_cache[$poster_id]['sig']);
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = smiley_text($user_cache[$poster_id]['sig']);
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig_parsed'] = true;
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
if($signat[$poster_id] >= 2){
$user_cache[$poster_id]['sig'] = '';
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM