View Full Version : ibProArcade2.7.0 - Flash Game Room

25-04-2010, 05:18 AM
ibProArcade2.7.0 - Flash Game Room For VBB All Version

the professional Arcade System
for your vBulletin-Board

works with vBulletin 3.0.x / 3.5.x / 3.6.x / 3.7.x / 3.8.x / 4.0.x

Demo Link : http://svhubt.vn/ -> Tab Flash Game or http://svhubt.vn/arcade.php

Demo Picture :

Some Feature that come along and make this ibProArcade outstanding:


different Styles (ibProArcade, v3arcade)
in AdminCP you define the default Style and if users can select their own preferred Style


this Hack comes along with multiple languages, selectable via AdminCP
currently included: english, german, french, dutch, portugese

Custom Game Sorting

you can set a default sorting in AdminCP while each User can select his own sorting, e.g. by name, rating, times played ect.

Game Ratings

Members can rate each Game

Arcade UserCP

each user can set his own preferences for the Arcade: game sorting, games/scores per page, notifications, Skin, default category

Arcade ModCP

an Adcade-Moderator can take care of scores, tournaments, comments ect.


you can create Tournaments via AdminCP or Arcade-ModCP with either 2, 4 or 8 participants
Users can create Tournaments with open slots other players can join in
Creation of Tournaments is based on Usergroup and User-Permissions
Each Game can be set to be selectable for Tournaments or not

Automatic Game Installation

in the AdminCP you can easily install new games, just upload the Archives to your server and install with a single click. There even is mass-installing included to install all uploaded games at once.
No more worrying about putting certain files in certain folders and running an installer.
This Feature works with ibProArcade-TAR-Archives and v3arcade-ZIP-Archives.


you can create categories for the games, e.g. genre
categories can be protected with a password and/or restricted to certain usergroups

advanced Game Statistics
alot of information are provided for each game:
best score of all times
your personal best result
actual highscore-champion
times played
time played

Active Users in the Arcade

this shows who currently is in the Arcade and what everybody is doing there. In AdminCP you can select in which areas of the Arcade this will be shown

Game Information

while playing a game some information gets displayed: current highscore and champion, the objective of the game and the controls for this game


you can set alot of permissions for each usergroup:
Access to the Arcade (can not view, can view but not play, can view and play)
total posts requirement
posts per day requirement
max. plays per day
can create Tournaments
which categories can be played


you can set individual permissions per user:
can create Tournaments
is banned from the Arcade
is Arcade Moderator
which options this Arcade-Moderator has (scores, comments, tournaments ect.)
automatic Score-Pruning
scores can be pruned after a period of time you can choose in AdminCP

Game Options

each games has individual settings for height, width, background-color, how many decimal points, which result is best (high or low), the game's objective, the keys, a description ect.

Arcade-Information in the Forum

in AdminCP you can select which Information will be in Postbit of each Posting a Member does in the Forum: Highscores and/or won Tournaments. The Style of this Information is available in different types (marquee, Icons only, static)
Full Integration in vbBux/vbPlaza

How to install

vBulletin 3.5.x / 3.6.x / 3.7.x / 3.8.x / 4.0.x

Start off by uploading all the files needed.

The entire /arcade folder to your forum's root directory
The files in the /admincp folder to your forum's /admincp folder
The files in /includes/xml folder to your forum's /includes/xml folder
arcade.php and holdsession.php to your forum's root folder

Now CHMOD the /arcade directory and all its subfolders to 0777

Make sure that there is no installer.php in your forum's root directory, if so -] delete them !

Open your AdminCP and do the following:

Open the Menu Plugin-System
Click Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Enter the path to the Product-XML-File: ./includes/xml/product-ibproarcade.xml and click IMPORT
Confirm the Import of that Product
Ready - the Hack is installed !

Now you have to change some templates:

Stay in the AdminCP:

Open the Menu Styles & Templates
Click Style Manager
Select "Edit Templates" in the Dropdown-Menu
Scroll down and double-click on Postbit Templates
Choose postbit and click CUSTOMIZE in the right menu
vBulletin 3.x - Search for:

<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
Below add:

<div class="smallfont">$post[crowns]$post[champtext]<br /></div>
vBulletin 4.x - Search for:

<dl class="userstats">
Below add:

{vb:raw post.crowns}{vb:raw post.champtext}<br />
Click SAVE and edit the Template postbit_legacy
vBulletin 3.x - Search for:

<if condition="$post['joindate']"><div>$vbphrase[join_date]: $post[joindate]</div></if>
Above add:

$post[crowns]$post[champtext]<br />
vBulletin 4.x - Search for:

<vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>
Above add:

<dt>{vb:raw post.crowns}{vb:raw post.champtext}</dd><br />
click SAVE and edit the Template navbar (below "Navigation/Breadcrumb Templates")

In this navbar-Template search for:

vBulletin 3.x

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>

Below add:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="arcade.php?$session[sessionurl_q]">Arcade</a></td>

vBulletin 4.x

<li><a href="calendar.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase calendar}</a></li>

Below add:

<li><a href="arcade.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">Arcade</a></li>

click SAVE.

Now you should:

Expand the menu "Arcade" in the left AdminCP-menu
Click Group Permissions
Adjust the permissions the way you want
Check out the Arcade Main Settings if everything fits your ideas.

Click Categories in the left menu, click SAVE - there is no need to change anything, just save the settings once.

Finally click on INFORMATION and check if there is a notice about any .php-file to be adapted.
If you're converting from v3arcade to ibProArcade
follow these steps *Ignore these steps if you're doing a fresh install*[/color][/b]

Upload the converter.php to your forum's root folder and run it.

Then copy all of your games from your ./games/ folder (where v3arcade stored them) into the ./arcade/ folder.
After that, copy all of the game images (gamename1.gif & gamename2.gif) from your ./images/arcade folder to the ./arcade/images folder.

The Arcade is ready to play - enjoy !

26-04-2010, 01:17 PM
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Diễn Đàn Sinh Viên Nông Lâm Online
Chơi xong gửi điểm thì bị cái này :D
Ai giúp với :D

02-05-2010, 06:57 PM
ko ai giúp em à :((