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Ðề tài: MODX 1.2.3 Released

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  1. #1
    hau_ooo's Avatar

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    Default MODX 1.2.3 Released  

    The recent blog post on less significant modification team changes forecasts the release of a new version of MODX. Besides allowing a change of versioning schemes, this release contains a huge amount of bug fixes.

    We are proud to announce the release of the "toasted motherboard" 1.2.3 version of MODX.

    MODX is the format used for distributing modifications, therefore this announcement is primarily aimed at MOD authors. We will require all modifications submitted after this announcement to use MODX 1.2.3.

    How to get it

    As always, you can obtain the latest version of MODX at the MODX Resource Centre. Additional information and files can be found there too.

    Required changes

    Luckily for mod authors, this release of MODX is fully backwards compatible. In addition to including the revised XSL file, the only change required to your modification is replacing this:
    Code: Select all<mod xmlnssi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phpbb.com/mods/xml/modx-1.2.2.xsd">With this:
    Code: Select all<mod xmlnssi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phpbb.com/mods/xml/modx-1.2.3.xsd">
    Full changelog

    • Removed deprecated dbms' from the <sql> tag
    • Removed camel case (Bug #47355)
    • Allows version numbers like 1.3.3, everything except 0.x is accepted
    • Added: <xs:attribute name="realname" form="unqualified" type="xs:string" use="optional" /> to the link tag
    • The legend was not well displayed in IE8 (Bug #43985)
    • Changed .mod-about-padding { 0px 8px; } to .mod-about-padding { padding: 0 8px; }
    • Changed <xs:attribute name="position" form="unqualified" type="xs:string" use="required" /> to optional
    • Removed <xsl:template name="give-authors"> and renamed <xsl:template name="give-author"> to give-authors
    • Added attribute phpbbcom="no" to the username tag for MOD developers that are not registered at phpbb.com, defaults to yes (Bug #44085)
    • Added a replace template to replace space and # with %20 and %23 (Bug #35915)
    • Added dir=ltr or rtl to the language files (Bug #35355)
    • DBMS dropdown bug fixed (Bug #36235)


    Development of MODX and tools related to it takes place at the code forge. There is an SVN repository there, for those who like to follow the deveolpment.


    If you encounter any problems, we'd highly appreciate it if you reported them to the mod team tools bug tracker.

    The Modifications Team


  2. #2
    hoangduykt7990's Avatar

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    Làm sao cài vậy anh, em chưa r ẩnh lắm


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