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    hau_ooo's Avatar

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    Default phpBB 3.0.6 Release Candidate 4 released  

    If you are interested to participate in the QA process, please subscribe to the QA Mailing List to be notified about additional release candidates.


    In an effort to increase product stability we are happy to announce the availability of the fourth release candidate for the next release - phpBB 3.0.6.

    This fourth release candidate contains mostly regression fixes. Everyone able to should test this release and report critical bugs (those, stopping the operation of the forum) and issues to the bug tracker or directly to the developers.

    We recommend international support sites to update their sites to RC4 too. We are able to provide direct support to them within our international support sites forums.

    Changes since RC3

    We changed the following things since RC3:

    • Fixed ticket #52875 working around php4 bug - call_user_func doesn't return references. This causes php4 to create a copy.
    • Fixed cache issues in feed generation.
    • Include default language in data to send for statistical purposes.
    • Revert "Parse multiline url title for [url] BBCode tag" because it introduced different bugs.
    • Fix sql_create_table (table creation) in db tools for mssql and sqlite.
    • Fixed Ticket #53175 (forum_options cleared if editing forum) - regression from revision 10024.
    • Fixed Ticket #53185 (icon width/height adjustement for icons > 127px also applied to smilies) - related to revision 10088.
    • Adjusted email template admin_welcome_activated to be more descriptive (and in-line with the changes to the other email template files).
    • Fixed Ticket #53245 - Notices in log searching feature.
    • Fixed Ticket #53285 introduced in revision 10018 - Mark the first visible forum on index as unread if there's any unread global announcement.
    • Implemented better way to generate SID-free links in feed.php
    • Fixed Jabber SASL PLAIN authentication failures. (Bug #52995)
    • Fixed severe bugs with Oracle and UPDATE statements.
    • Fixed issues with database updater and Oracle/SQLite/Firebird.

    Note to people using 3.0.4 files in 3.0.5 installations

    We know that some replaced their includes/functions_messenger.php file from their phpBB 3.0.5 installation with the version from phpBB 3.0.4 due to the following bug:
    Ticket: http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/phpbb3/46725
    Ticket Description: Ticket #46725 - functions_messenger [...] causing emailing issues

    If you update to RC4 please *re-upload the 3.0.5 functions_messenger.php file* and any other file you replaced with previous versions. If you do not use phpBB 3.0.5 files all modifications will be identified as non-phpBB modifications and merged during the automatic update. This will result in wrong updates where to-be-updated parts for phpBB 3.0.6 will not be included and you will not benefit from the bug fixes - or even notice grave errors.

    Language Packs and Styles

    The changes are provided with the code changes package. There were two language changes between RC3 and RC4. Style authors should download the code changes package and adjust their styles accordingly. Please post within our Styles forums if you have questions or encounter problems.

    The language and styles changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 RC4:
    Code changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 RC4 (zip)
    Code changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 RC4 (bz2)

    New features, changes, bug fixes

    For a list of changes, please see our changelog.

    Available packages:

    With this release, there are five packages available.

    Full Package:
    Contains entire phpBB3 source and english language files.

    Automatic Update Package:
    Update package for the automatic updater, containing the changes from previous release to this release.

    Changed Files Only:
    Contains only those files changed from previous versions of phpBB3. Please note this archive contains changed files for each previous release.

    Patch Files:
    Contains patch compatible patches from previous versions of phpBB3.

    Code Changes Package:
    Package contains changes to the following sections: Language changes, prosilver style changes and subsilver2 style changes.

    Select whichever package is most suitable for you. As a tiny guide we recommend the following methods based on the requirements:

    • For a new installation you should use the Full Package
    • For updates of boards without modifications you can basically use the Automatic Update Package (guided udpate) or the Changed Files Only package (manual update).
    • For updates of boards with modifications you should use the Automatic Update Package. If you are confident with patch files and patching you can use the Patch Files Package.
    • Style Authors and Translators may use the Code Changes Package to update their styles or language packs directly.
    • International Support Teams may use the Patch Package in conjunction with the Code Changes to better support users having problems with conflicts or specific code sections.
    • If you are a hoster/provider, you may want to use the Patch Files Package to update all of your client installations.

    Please ensure you read the INSTALL and README documents in docs/ before proceeding with installation, updates or conversions!


    Full Package:
    phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Automatic Update Package (3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4):
    Update package from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Update package from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Automatic Update Package (3.0.6-RC1 to 3.0.6-RC4):
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC1 to 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC1 to 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Automatic Update Package (3.0.6-RC2 to 3.0.6-RC4):
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC2 to 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC2 to 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Automatic Update Package (3.0.6-RC3 to 3.0.6-RC4):
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC3 to 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Update package from 3.0.6-RC3 to 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Changed Files Only Package:
    Changed files only package for phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Changed files only package for phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Patch Files Package:
    Patch files package for phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Patch files package for phpBB 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)

    Code Changes Package (3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4):
    Code changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4 (zip)
    Code changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6-RC4 (bz2)


    To correctly perform an update, do not forget to re-enable the PHPBB_QA constant within your includes/constants.php file.

    Have fun with the release,
    the phpBB Team

    Chủ đề mới cùng chuyên mục


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