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Ðề tài: Chat [AJAX]

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  1. #1
    admin's Avatar

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    Default Chat [AJAX]  


    If you installed this mod and/or you want get support, please "Mark as Installed".

    Not much to explain, everybody knows what is chat.
    I have the honor to present the first ajax chat that built for vB5


    How to install:
    1. Download the attachment
    2. Upload the content of 'upload_to_root' directory to your root
    3. Make sure that Plugin/Hook System is enabled, it is disabled by default.
    4. Reload your site (twice) - this mod uses the Auto-Install feature.

    Auto-Install it's a feature that allows vB5 install addons automatically after all files uploaded.
    There is no need to upload xml manually anymore.



    [13/08/12] 1.0 BETA 1
    1. First release

    [15/09/12] 1.0 BETA 2
    1. Compatibility with vBulletin 5.0.0 BETA 10
    2. Hard-coded right/left in css replaced with stylevars
    3. Auto-Install now works
    4. Additional style for chat messages - one line style
    5. Option to clear the chat box
    6. Previously messages were pushed to bottom - now you can choose if push them to top instead
    7. Previously each new message has to render vb template to be displayed - NO LONGER
      Chat message template now works by jquery template - easy to customize + saves resources
    8. All javascript rewritten to use real json instead html results
    9. Tooltip alert how many characters you have left to write (only when you close to limit)
    10. Options added
      1. Style (1 line message / 2 lines message)
      2. Refresh time in seconds
      3. How many messages show for preview
      4. Push order (Ascending / Descending)
      5. Max Message Length

    1. First release in vB.org

    [24/09/12] BETA 3

    1. Package name renamed to be lowercase - the previous name cause to problem with the auto-install for some users
    2. Loading issue fixed
    3. Missing messages after you post new message issue fixed


    Goals for future version:
    1. Convert chat to module
      1. = Full page chat
      2. = Set the chat only in specific pages
      3. = Place the chat wherever you want in the page

    2. Add time waiting option between posting for prevent flood
    3. Option to off the chat
    4. Stop ajax pulling when user inactive
    5. Add new options
      1. Edit chat messages
      2. Delete chat messages
      3. BBCODEs

    6. Permissions
      1. Who can see the chat
      2. Who can post in the chat
      3. Who can edit messages
      4. Who can delete messages

    7. Banned users / usergroups
    8. Archive
      1. All chat messages
      2. Specific user's messages

    9. Statistics
      1. Count of all chat messages
      2. Stats of each user chat messages / activity in chat


    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    .♥.Thà không yêu cho cuộc đời trong trắng.♥.
    .♥.Lỡ yêu rồi phải cố gắng thành công.♥.

    Thiết kế website, Cung cấp Domain, Hosting, VPS

  2. #2
    nhokpjn's Avatar

    Trạng thái
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    Experience: 15,003
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    Cảm ơn 0 lần / 0 Bài viết


    Không hỗ trợ 5.1.0 trở lên.............................


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