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Ðề tài: Member List for VB5

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  1. #1
    admin's Avatar

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    Mai Thanh Trung
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    Aug 2006
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    Pleiku, Gia Lai
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    Default Member List for VB5  

    This is an add-on that does NOT plug into VB5's API. This is a stand-alone file that utilizes the VB5 header and footer system to wrap my implementation of the member list with the look/feel of your VB site. You may need to edit colors and such; that is up to you to change. But it is compatible with the out of the box VB5 style.

    This is running at this URL:

    We have a more customized version running here:

    1. Upload all files in the upload directory to the root of your VB5 install
    2. Edit memberlist.php as follows
    Your Site URL
    Maximum Number of users per page
    Display for Logged Out Users
    3. These settings are obtained from your vb install config file, you should not have to modify these
    Mysql Host
    Database User
    Database Password
    Database Name
    Database Prefix (if any)
    4. Load http://www.yoursite.com/memberlist.php

    Add the following lines to .htaccess
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^(memberlist)$ /memberlist.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^(memberlist)/$ /memberlist.php [QSA,L]
    Now you can access your memberlist by going to the url:
    Load http://www.yoursite.com/memberlist

    Questions? Comments?
    Email: todd@aero-pro.net

    Donations are gladly accepted for this work:

    If you install it, let us know so we can see how it works on other sites.

    Revision Info:
    .10 - First Release
    .11 - Created Zip file w/different paths.
    .12 - Adjusted paths for images to be relative; modified link to use profile; added ability to work with databases with prefix.
    .13 - Better db prefix handling; removed un-needed DB variable.
    .14 - Added ability to display list only for logged in users; misc bug fixes, added link to this thread for support. Expanded readme.txt.
    .15 - Fixed bug for show member list for users who aren't logged in. System now uses core/includes/config.php for mysql settings.


    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    .♥.Thà không yêu cho cuộc đời trong trắng.♥.
    .♥.Lỡ yêu rồi phải cố gắng thành công.♥.

    Thiết kế website, Cung cấp Domain, Hosting, VPS


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