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Ðề tài: [OzzModz] Reviews

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  1. #1
    admin's Avatar

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    Mai Thanh Trung
    Tham gia ngày
    Aug 2006
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    Pleiku, Gia Lai
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    Default [OzzModz] Reviews  

    First off this mod, [Chris] Reviews, has been taken over by me. It did belong to Christos Teriakis. He has since given me full rights to the mod, so I am releasing it here. Only thing I have changed as of yet is the title, so it is basically the same mod.To upgrade from that mod is the same as any other time, unzip the files, load them to your server, overwriting the old files, then import the new xml. Please remember, this mod is as new to me as anyone installing it, so we are both on a learning curve.

    1.- What's this mod?

    It's better to say what it is NOT . It is a Reviews system for those admins who want to review one type of items (eg Games, Books, Autos etc) and only one group of rating questions is acceptable for them. With the help of extra fields and a bit works from your side to configure it, you can have a very good reviews section in your site.
    • Supports unlimited categories.
    • You can set the word that will be use in the pages to identify the type of your reviews (eg Game - Games, Book - Books etc).
    • Supports Extra fields (but not searchable).
    • Supports one group of rating questions (but unlimited questions).
    • Supports users' reviews and overall rating.
    • Supports Headline, review text, positive points, negative points.
    • Supports Product photos or YouTube video if exists.
    • Has PM templates for:
      • PM user when admin approves his Review.
      • PM user when admin rejects Review.

    • Reviewer can temporary hide the review and a later time he can activate it again.
    • There are listings for:
      • Category Reviews.
      • Time-frame (What's New) Reviews.
      • User Reviews.
      • Search Results.

    • In view Review page the visitor can also see:
      • Editor Rating.
      • Community Rating.
      • Lowest Rating.
      • Highest Rating.
      • Editor other reviews on sidebar.

    • In all pages there are available the follow blocks having the appearance of widgets:
      • Category Menu.
      • Search Form.
      • Statistics.
      • Top Editor Products (Games, Books, etc).
      • Top Community Products.
      • New Reviews.
      • New Community Ratings.

    • RSS Feeds for latest 10 reviews.
    • Facebook Like Advanced (Shows users who liked a review).
    • ver.1.1.0 Added a setting to allow or not Audio files (in case that you want to review music). Default is OFF. If you turn on then the users can hear the audio file with the included (simple) audio player.

    2.- Installation
    1. Download and unzip the files.
    2. Upload the content of upload folder to the directory where your vB installation is. To be sure: reviews.php must be on the same directory as global.php, forum.php etc.
    3. CMOD 777 the directories:
      1. christeris/reviews/photos
      2. christeris/reviews/photos/thumbs
      3. christeris/reviews/photos/tmp

    4. Go to ACP --> Plugins & Products --> Manage Products, and import product-reviews.xml.
    5. Set the various settings in Reviews --> General Options.
    6. Set usergroup permissions.
    7. Check and modify Pm templates, Reviews --> PM Templates.
    8. Set Categories, Reviews --> Reviews Categories.
    9. Set Extra Fields, Reviews --> Review Extra Fields (in case that you want them).
    10. Set Rating Questions, Reviews --> Rating Questions.
    11. *** ATTENTION *** Double check that rating questins are ok before starting adding reviews. After the first review you CAN'T Add/Edit/Delete questions.

    3.- SEO URLs

    • If you're using vbSeo open the file Reviews_vBSEO_Custom_Rewrite_Rules.txt and add them to your vbSeo installation.
    • If you're using .htaccasse file copy the contents of htaccess.txt and add it to your current .htaccess files. If you don't have such file and your server is compatible with such files, upload htaccess.txt to your vB directory and rename it to: .htaccess.

    4.- CMS Widget / Forum Sidebar block for Latest Reviews
    1. Pre-Installation:
      1. Shows latest 5 Reviews. If you want to change the number to another value change at 1st line: $maxreviews = 5;

    2. Installation as CMS Widget
      1. Goto Admincp-> vBulletin CMS-> Widgets.
      2. Click "Create New Widget" at the list bottom.
      3. Set Widget Type: PHP Direct Execution.
      4. Give a Title which appears at the widget. eg Last Reviews, or.. Last 5 Reviews etc.
      5. Click SAVE.
      6. Find in the list the new widget and click configure at the right side.
      7. Replace the example code, with the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt.
      8. Click Save.
      9. Goto Layout and add it in any section you want.
      10. Click Save (Layout).

    3. Installation as Forum sidebar Block
      1. Goto Admincp-> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Block Manager.
      2. Click Add Block.
      3. In the next screen "Select block type: Custom HTML/PHP.
      4. Click Continue.
      5. Title: Latest Reviews.
      6. Content Type: PHP.
      7. Content: Copy & Paste the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt.
      8. Click Save. The block will be now visible to your forum sidebar.


    If you like this mod please hit the button to the right ---->

    Please remember to click the, button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

    What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

    * It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified whenever new updates are available.

    * For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

    * Marking a modification as installed also helps me know how many people are using my work, giving me extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

    I appreciate the support!

    v1.4.0 Initial release.
    v1.4.1 Fixed the following errors, Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ..../reviews_usercp.php on line 695 AND Warning: Division by zero in ..../reviews_usercp.php on line 706


    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    .♥.Thà không yêu cho cuộc đời trong trắng.♥.
    .♥.Lỡ yêu rồi phải cố gắng thành công.♥.

    Thiết kế website, Cung cấp Domain, Hosting, VPS


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