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  1. #1
    admin's Avatar

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    Default vS-Hide Hack Resurrection  

    || vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Limited Edition)
    || =======================================
    || Brought to you by:
    || VisionScripts
    || Premium PHP & vBulletin Solutions!
    || =======================================
    || Author : Anton Kanevsky (ankan925@gmail.com) - aka @kan
    || Works on : vBulletin 4.0.x
    || Released : Mar 12, 2010
    || Time required to install: ~2 minutes
    || Difficulty: easy


    Have you ever wanted your users to be able to define who exactly can view the information in any particular post? vS-Hide Hack Resurrection, a vBulletin expansion, features a set of handy tags that together give your users an opportunity to do just that:

    [HIDE-POSTS]: defines the minimum number of posts required to read the content within.
    [SHOWTOGROUPS]: defines the usergroups that may read the content within.
    [HIDE-THANKS]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person says thank you by pressing a special button. (Expanded Edition Only)
    [HIDE-REPLY]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person replies. (Expanded Edition Only)
    [STU]: defines the users that may read the content within. (Expanded Edition Only)

    *(1): The HIDE-THANKS tag comes with a full-featured Post Thank You System. See features for further details.
    *(2): The HIDE-REPLY tag can be reversed to HIDE with just one easy switch of an admincp option.


    File Uploads: 1
    File Changes: 5
    Products to Install: 1



    • Stylish, HTML-formatted output.
    • Compatible With Regular and WYWIWYG editors.
    • Compatible with vBulletin 4.0.x (and there is also an old version for vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x).
    • Unregistered, Unverified and Banned users are prevented from seeing any hidden content.
    • Post owners can always see hidden content in their own posts.
    • Users can always see hidden content in posts that they can edit.
    • It is impossible to quote hidden text even if it is revealed - it is stripped from the quotation.
    • Ability to specify usergroups that can always see hidden content.
    • Zero template edits.
    • Works fast on large boards.
    • Ability to enable / disable any of the tags:
      • on global basis - vBulletin Options
      • on per-forum basis - Forum Options (Expanded Edition Only)
      • on per-usergroup basis - Usergroup Options (Expanded Edition Only)

    • AJAX Features for HIDE-REPLY, HIDE-THANKS, and HIDE-REPLY-THANKS, with full non-ajax functionality for older browsers. (Expanded Edition Only)
    • Online vB Code Documentation.
    • Case-Insensitive Tags.
    • vB Code Shortcut (HIDE) that can be linked to any of the tags featured by this engine.
    • There is no way to go around the tags. They are parsed correctly everywhere, including:
      • Showthread / Showpost.
      • Search Area
      • Forum Display (First Post Preview)
      • New Reply (Thread Review)
      • Post Preview
      • Archive
      • Print Version
      • E-mail Subscriptions
      • RSS Feeds

    Integrated "Thank You" System ® (Expanded Edition Only)

    • Works fast on large boards.
    • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You more than once for the same post.
    • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You to themselves.
    • Ability to define which usergroups can post thanks.
    • Ability to define which usergroups can remove own thanks.
    • Ability to define which usergroups can remove others' thanks.
    • Ability to define in which forums to enable the system (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
    • Ability to define in which forums to bump thanked threads (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
    • Ability to define whether to allow thanks on first post only.
    • Ability to define whether to allow thanks in closed threads.
    • "Remove All" button displayed to those who can remove both own and others' thanks.
    • List of users who clicked "Thank You" below each post, with an option to limit the maximum amount of such users displayed.
    • List of latest Thank You's received is displayed in each member's usercp.
    • Administrator can specify a certain amount of reputation to be given to users who upon the receipt of a 'Thank You'.
    • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's, with a stylish progress indicator.
    • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's degrades gracefully to non-javascript functionality when AJAX is disabled.


    Why "Resurrection"?

    The reason is simple: This hack has been written many times by various people, and nobody ever got their version working correctly.
    This product presents a professional version written from scratch, and there are no backdoors through which hidden information can be illegally retrieved. Unlike other systems, this one works correctly with the vBulletin Post Cache.

    Usage Syntax:

    Shortcut code, can be mapped to any of the below ones. By default, it is mapped to HIDE-POSTS.

    Information is not shown to people who have less than X posts. Has an alternative syntax: , where X is automatically set to the value defined in vBulletin options.

    [HIDE-REPLY]information[/HIDE-REPLY] (Expanded Edition Only)
    Information is not shown to people unless they reply.

    [HIDE-THANKS]information[/HIDE-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
    Information is now shown to people unless they press "Thank You" button.

    [HIDE-REPLY-THANKS]information[/HIDE-REPLY-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
    Information is not shown to people unless they either reply or press "Thank You" button.

    Information is not shown to people unless they are a member of the X usergroups, where X is a comma-separated list of usergroupids.

    Information is not shown to people unless they are a listed in X, where X is a comma-separated list of userids.

    :: Copyrights ::
    The Engine & Toolbar Images - Copyright © Anton Kanevsky (aka @kan), 2006 - 2010
    Locked and Unlocked Images - Copyright © vBStyles.com, 2004 - 2006, huge thanks to Miko for providing the PSD files!


    Please see the attached "change_log.html" file for version history.

    Screen Shot:
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    thay đổi nội dung bởi: admin; 13-03-2010 lúc 01:36 PM
    .♥.Thà không yêu cho cuộc đời trong trắng.♥.
    .♥.Lỡ yêu rồi phải cố gắng thành công.♥.

    Thiết kế website, Cung cấp Domain, Hosting, VPS

  2. Thành viên sau đây nói lời Cảm ơn tới admin cho bài viết hữu ích này:

    kiddj (02-08-2010)

  3. #2
    0932899777's Avatar

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    Giúp em với. Làm Sao hiện nút hide trong khung viết bài vậy.

  4. #3
    Alone's Avatar

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    Mở Template editor_toolbar_on

    <vb:if condition="!$show['basicbbcodeonly']">
    Thêm code này lên trên :
    <img src="images/buttons/hide.gif" class="imagebutton" id="{vb:raw editorid}_cmd_wrap0_hide" width="20" height="20" alt="Insert Hide Tags" />
    P/s nếu không làm được PM son.alone mình giúp

  5. #4
    t8mclub's Avatar

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    Nó bị sao roài, chẳng thấy j cả

    Không ai giúp mình à.
    thay đổi nội dung bởi: Tiểu Bá Vương 1404; 11-05-2011 lúc 04:28 PM Lý do: Gộp bài viết có liên quan nội dung

  6. #5
    dragon80's Avatar

    Trạng thái
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    Trích Nguyên văn bởi Alone View Post
    Mở Template editor_toolbar_on


    Thêm code này lên trên :

    P/s nếu không làm được PM son.alone mình giúp
    Thấy cái editor_toolbar_on chết liền


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