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Ðề tài: phpBB 3.0.7 released

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    hau_ooo's Avatar

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    Sep 2009
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    Default phpBB 3.0.7 released  

    PhpBB 3.0.7


    Nâng cấp từ 3.0.6 lên 3.0.7


    Hello everyone,

    We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB "Run bugs, run! Bertie is coming!" 3.0.7. This new version is a maintenance release fixing a number of a bugs as well as improving on usability and performance. We have entirely overhauled the Feed feature, fixing a lot of bugs and odd behaviours. Some problems with the automated updater have been solved, so if you are still on 3.0.5 this update should work a lot better for you.

    We urge you to update your installation as soon as possible. The bugs fixed in phpBB 3.0.7 ensure the smooth operation of your board. Our support team will only support phpBB 3.0.7, updates to phpBB 3.0.7 and conversions to phpBB 3.0.7. Submissions to our trackers for older versions will not be accepted, please make sure you update before you submit a bug report.

    If you use a language pack other than the default "English [GB]", you should check our downloads section, an update may already be available.

    For a complete list of changes with attributed ticket numbers, please consult our comprehensive changelog. Below I have extracted the most important changes in phpBB 3.0.7.

    Minor feature additions to phpBB 3.0.7

    • You can now see private forums in your ATOM feeds using HTTP authentication by passing the GET parameter "auth=http".
    • The INTTEXT token was added to custom BBCodes to allow for non-ASCII letters in html attributes.
    • You can now enable quick reply in all forums with a single click.

    Small functionality changes in phpBB 3.0.7

    • Warn users about potentially dangerous BBcodes.
    • Forum feed no longer includes posts of subforums.
    • Speed up topic move operation by adding an index for topic_id on the topics track table. (Bug #56545)
    • Move redirect into a hidden field to avoid issues with mod_security. (Bug #54145)
    • Log user activations through inactive users ACP. (Bug #30145)
    • Alter ACP user quick tools interface to reduce confusion with the delete operation.
    • Show a proper preview for the Q&A CAPTCHA. (Bug #56365)
    • Send time of last item instead of current time in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #53305)
    • Split "All topics" feed into "New Topics" and "Active Topics" feeds.
    • It is no longer possible to persist a solution for the login CAPTCHA.
    • Friends and foes will not show up as private message rule options if their respective UCP modules are disabled. (Bug #51155)
    • Offer for guests to log in for egosearch and unreadposts search before the search permissions check. (Bug #51585)

    A list of important bugfixes since phpBB 3.0.6

    • Allow ban reason and length to be selected and copied in ACP and subsilver2 MCP. (Bug #51095)
    • Correctly set last modified headers. (Bug #54245, thanks Paul.J.Murphy)
    • Make word censoring case insensitive. (Bug #54265)
    • Fulltext-MySQL search for keywords and username at the same time. (Bug #54325)
    • Various XHTML and CSS mistakes in prosilver and subsilver2. (Bugs #54705, #55895, #57505, #57875 - Patch by HardStyle)
    • Cleanly handle forum/topic not found in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #54295)
    • PHP 5.3 compatibility: Check if function dl() exists before calling it. (Bug #54665)
    • PHP 5.3 compatibility: Disable E_DEPRECATED on startup to keep set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) quiet. (Bug #54495)
    • Correctly replace table prefix before inserting schema data into the database. (Bug #54815)
    • Use memcache::replace() instead of memcache::set() for existing keys to prevent problems.
    • Check for required functions in eAccelerator. (Bug #54465)
    • Use correct RFC 3339 date format in ATOM feed. (Bug #55005)
    • Do not deliver topics from unreadable or passworded forums in the news feed. (Bug #54345)
    • Restore user language choice to compiled stylesheets. (Bug #54035)
    • Do not permit unauthorised users to delete private messages from folder listing. (Bug #54355)
    • Handle export of private messages where all recipients were deleted. (Bug #50985)
    • Add ability to disable overall (aka board-wide) feed.
    • Do not pass new_link parameter when creating a persistent connection with mysql. (Bug #55785)
    • Improved search query performance through sorting words by their occurance. (Bug #21555)
    • Strictly check whether a moderator can post in the destination forum when moving topic. (Bug #56255)
    • Do not unsubscribe users from topics replying with quickreply. (Bug #56235)
    • Don't submit when pressing enter on preview button. (Bug #54395)
    • Load reCAPTCHA over https when using a secure connection to the board. (Bug #55755)
    • Don't send activation email when user tries to change email without permission. (Bug #56335 - Fix by nrohler)
    • Correctly orientate quoted text image on RTL languages. (Bug #33745)
    • Fall back to default language email template if specified file does not exist. (Bug #35595)
    • Database updater now separates ADD COLUMN from SET NOT NULL and SET DEFAULT, when using PostgreSQL <= 7.4 (Bug #54435)
    • Styles adjustment to correctly display an order of rtl/ltr mixed content. (Bugs #55485, #55545)
    • Do not store email templates in database. (Bug #54505)
    • Fix problems with firebird by no longer using 'count' as a column alias. (Bug #57455)
    • Make user_email_hash() function independent from system's architecture. (Bug #57755)
    • Global announcements could not be accessed on a board using Firebird as the database server. (Bug #57525)
    • Do not delete unrelated attachments when deleting empty forums. (Bug #57375)
    • Update process: Store expected resulting file contents in cache and do not suggest further merges if the contents match, also fixes infinite merge loop (Bug #54075)

    Installation instructions

    A short explanation of how to do a conversion, installation or update is included within the provided INSTALL.html file, please be sure to read it. You can find a list of requirements on our Downloads page.


    If you find any security issues please report them to our security tracker.

    Available packages

    If you experience problems with the automatic update (white screens, timeouts, etc.) we recommend using the "changed files only" or "patch" method for updating.

    • Full Package:
      Full phpBB 3 source code and english language files.
    • Automatic Update Package:
      Update package for the automatic updater, contains changes from previous release to this release.
    • Changed Files Only:
      Complete files, but only those that were changed since previous releases of phpBB 3. This archive contains changed files for every previous release.
    • Patch Files:
      This file contains diffs against the previous phpBB 3 release, which can be applied with the patch utility.
    • Code Changes Package:
      This package contains MOD instructions for changes to the following sections: Language changes, prosilver style changes and subsilver2 style changes.

    Select the package most suitable for you. We recommend the following methods depending on your situation:

    • For new installations you should use the Full Package
    • For updates of boards without modifications you can use the Automatic Update Package (guided update) or the Changed Files Only package (manual update).
    • For updates of boards with modifications you should use the Automatic Update Package. If you are confident with patch files and patching you can use the Patch Files Package.
    • Style Authors and Translators may use the Code Changes Package to update their styles or language packs.
    • International Support Teams may use the Patch Package in conjunction with the Code Changes to better support users with problematic conflicts during their update process or to help them update code sections.
    • If you are a hoster/provider, you may want to use the Patch Files Package to update all of your client installations.

    Please ensure you read the INSTALL and README documents in docs/ before proceeding with installation, updates or conversions!

    Download Locations

    The download is of course available on our downloads page.
    Our release archive provides all packages we build. If you do not find your desired package you can probably find it in the release archive.

    These are the files with their md5 sums:

    md5sum: 034c556a436a1f7a3905c1dcd1271564
    md5sum: a0a9b0eb3fd00267fea71b9938f9f989
    md5sum: 7d0bd2ac68f5da7c082f8f39bf10fced
    md5sum: 4ef0b9c58d022755d1e5c9b08f1ba593
    md5sum: 43b0291fc649c62c8aa4c963355d414b
    md5sum: 327e017dee7678e0bc1033a4f99d2e21
    md5sum: 45bdc622489809f576f094a35ab27e80
    md5sum: 507ab687f8ff35b68ce42e689337e26a
    md5sum: 346e5e098cdf1a8d503917413b8c5cb6
    md5sum: 5be3dd31a6dda10778ba05cda40bd2c2

    Download & Documentation

    we hope your update or installation is quick and easy,
    the phpBB Team

    Chủ đề mới cùng chuyên mục

  2. The Following 3 Thank You to hau_ooo For This Useful Post:

    becksphanduy (11-07-2010),James.MC (06-08-2011),mrkill (19-05-2010)


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