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    Default [DBTech] vBDownloads v2 (vB4) [AJAX]  

    vBDownloads: What is it?

    DragonByte Technologies is proud to present vBDownloads v1.0, the most professional, innovative and feature-rich downloads mod to date.

    vBDownloads aims to help you manage your forum's downloads in a fast and efficient way, presenting you with all the information you and your users need.

    Why vBDownloads?
    Whilst looking for a new product idea, we felt that there was a need for a fully-supported downloads database in vBulletin. vBDownloads is the result of this. vBDownloads contains many interesting features such as multi-file downloads, password-protected downloads and many more exciting and innovative features!


    If you like this mod please hit the button to the right ---->

    Please remember to click the, button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

    What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

    * It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

    For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

    * Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

    We appreciate the support!

    Differences between Pro and Lite

    Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbdownloads.php


    Translations available @ Dragonbyte-Tech.com
    Support for translations handled by the translator in its respective threads only.


    Major Features:

    Searchable Downloads: Search downloads by title, description, author, or a combination of the above.

    Importer: vBDownloads currently supports importing from DownloadsII.

    Favourite Downloads: Got a download you like? vBDownloads will allow you to easily add it to your favourites list.

    Multiple File Downloads: vBDownloads allows you to upload multiple files within one download stopping the need to create 20 different downloads for one thing.

    Moderation: vBDownloads comes with its own moderation control panel. This will allow you to easily moderate new files and reports.

    DragonByte SEO Integration: Seamlessly integrates with DragonByte SEO to create Friendly URLs for all your downloads & categories.

    Extra Pro Features:
    Download All Files: This will allow you to easily download all files in a download at the click of a button. These will be added to a zip and returned to you in seconds.

    File Ratings: File ratings will allow users to easily separate the good content from the bad.

    Downloads Per Day: This feature will allow you to control the number of files and add a limit to the size of downloads users are allowed to download per day.

    Private Downloads: This feature will allow you to control who can access a download on a per user basis and allow you to password-protect downloads.

    Complete Feature List

    System Information
    • Whether the mod is active
    • Total bandwidth usage
    • Monthly bandwidth usage
    • Number of uploaded files
    • Value of php.ini's maximum execution time
    • vBDownloads' version number
    • Number of MBs of disk space all files use
    • Number of MBs of disk space this month's files use
    • Value of php.ini's maximum upload size
    • Value of php.ini's memory limit

    • Group extensions together into Extension Groups
    • Define extension
    • Define MIME Type
    • Define maximum file size
    • Define Max Width / Max Height (only applies to images)

    • Define Title / Description
    • Set display order
    • Choose category image
    • Choose extension groups valid for this category
    • Automatically place new files in moderation queue
    • Per-usergroup Can View Category permission
    • Per-usergroup Can Download Files permission
    • Per-usergroup Can Upload Files permission

    Import Utility
    • Import from DownloadsII
    • Preserves all important data
    • Avoids duplicate imports

    • Toggle displaying version number
    • Turn vBDownloads on/off
    • Reason for turning vBDownloads off
    • Welcome Notice for the homescreen
    • Storage path for uploads
    • Custom name for the main .php file
    • Maximum files per download
    • Minimum posts to download
    • Download description preview length
    • Enable/Disable Favourites system
    • Enable/Disable Comments system
    • Enable/Disable Mirrors system
    • File Reporting Reasons
    • Comment Reporting Reasons
    • Mirror Reporting Reasons

    Usergroup Permissions
    • Downloads Manager, bypasses certain restrictions
    • Can View vBDownloads
    • Can Download
    • Can Upload
    • Can Favourite
    • Can Comment
    • Download Delay (in seconds)

    Home Page
    • Display welcome message
    • Search downloads by title, description, author or any combination of the above
    • Category list in the same style as Forums are listed on Forum Home
    • Display number of files and number of downloads per category
    • Display latest download per category
    • Sub-categories in the same style as sub-forums
    • Sidebar block: Total files and total downloads
    • Sidebar block: Recent files, changes based on what category you're browsing
    • Sidebar block: Top downloads, changes based on what category you're browsing

    • jQuery-powered upload script
    • Works with big files
    • No Flash plugins required
    • Progress bars on uploads
    • Display file sizes in-line
    • Quick deletion of files
    • Toggle which files are screenshots

    Download Page
    • Thumbnail
    • Edit / delete file
    • Send file to moderation queue
    • Add to favourites
    • Add a comment
    • Basic file information: Author, Last Updated, Category and Total Downloads
    • File List w/ number of downloads
    • Mirror List w/ number of hits
    • "More From This User" block with thumbnails of other downloads by this user
    • Full description
    • Paginated comments list
    • Edit/Delete comments
    • Password entry page if the download is password protected
    • Download delay page when downloading files if applicable

    Favourites List
    • Paginated display of downloads added to favourites
    • Same style as search results

    • Tabbed interface for Moderation Queue / Reports
    • Ability to take no action, approve and deny moderation queue entries
    • Ability to take no action, dismiss or delete reported entries

    Thumbnail Generation
    • Ability to choose which image to use for thumbnail generation
    • A physical thumbnail image will be generated when one is requested
    • Saves bandwidth / decreases load time vs. using full image resized

    Category Aware Search
    • Choose to restrict search to currently viewed category
    • Only available when browsing a category
    • Perfect for searching through a large downloads database for less unique keywords


    Mirror Link Images
    • Define replacement domains
    • Set what image to show instead of direct link to mirror

    • Allow private downloads
    • Allow password protected downloads
    • Category Parent
    • Choose forum to announce new downloads in

    • Download delay page advertisement
    • Path to importable files
    • Enable/Disable [DBTech] vBShout integration
    • Enable/Disable Rating system
    • Enable/Disable ability to download all files as zip
    • Zip filename prefix
    • Post To Thread: Title
    • Post To Thread: Message

    Usergroup Permissions
    • Maximum downloads per day
    • Maximum downloads size per day
    • Can Rate Downloads
    • Can Create Category
    • Can Import Files

    Home Page
    • Sidebar block: Highest rated, changes based on what category you're browsing

    Download Page
    • Rate the download +1/-1
    • "Download All Files" button
    • Display advertisement on downloads delay page

    Manage Categories
    • Allows users with the necessary permissions to manage categories via front-end
    • Download Managers can edit all Category settings
    • Non-Managers see their categories added to moderation queue

    Import Files
    • Allows users with the necessary permissions to import files from the filesystem
    • Pre-defined path or custom path
    • Imported files aren't copied or moved
    • Ability to skip or re-import files
    • Per-file category assignment
    • Per-file download title

    Who's Online Display
    • Displays users / guests browsing vBDownloads
    • Uses same HTML/CSS as forum home's "What's Going On" box
    • Displays full markup username
    • Can be turned off via vBulletin Options

    vBDownloads Statistics Display
    • Displays total number of downloads
    • Displays total number of files
    • Displays total bandwidth usage
    • Displays total storage space usage
    • Uses same HTML/CSS as forum home's "Forum Statistics" box
    • Can be turned off via vBulletin Options

    Per-Usergroup "Minimum Posts" Bypass
    • Ability to bypass the "Minimum Posts" setting per-usergroup
    • Perfect for donator / VIP usergroups
    • Toggled via Usergroup Manager

    This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of pages generated by this mod which includes:
    • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
    • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification
    • 1 Link to Hivelocity Hosting (Lite version only, removable via a vBulletin Option)


    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo
    .♥.Thà không yêu cho cuộc đời trong trắng.♥.
    .♥.Lỡ yêu rồi phải cố gắng thành công.♥.

    Thiết kế website, Cung cấp Domain, Hosting, VPS


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