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  1. #1
    s0ct0j0c's Avatar

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    Default Conversation Attachments  

    This add-on enables users to attach files to personal conversations. It works exactly the same as attaching files to posts.

    To note:
    There are no quota restrictions.
    Attachments remain on the server until all members leave the conversation.
    There are 2 permissions, one to upload attachments, and another to view them.

    I coded this for my own forum a little while back, I do not plan on developing it much further, as it suits my needs. Nevertheless, feel free to post any suggestions/feedback.

    If your templates are not modified, you may simply replace them with the versions in the TemplateEdits.zip instead of performing the edits.


    1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root of your forum.
    2. Go to your Admin CP > Install Add-on and upload the addon-conversationAttachments.xml file.
    3. Apply the template edits that follow.
    4. Set permissions for "View attachments" and "Add attachments" under "Personal Conversation Permissions"

    Template Edits

    In conversation_add:

    PHP Code: 
          <input type="submit" value="{xen:phrase start_conversation}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" /> 
    Add below:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:include template="attachment_upload_button" /> 

    PHP Code: 
          <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}/> 

    Add above:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:if is="{$attachmentParams}">
    dl class="ctrlUnit AttachedFilesUnit">
    dt><label for="ctrl_uploader">{xen:phrase attached_files}:</label></dt>
    dd><xen:include template="attachment_editor" /></dd>
    In conversation_reply:

    PHP Code: 
          <input type="submit" value="{xen:phrase reply_to_conversation}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" /> 
    Add below:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:include template="attachment_upload_button" /> 


    PHP Code: 
          <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}/> 

    Add above:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:if is="{$attachmentParams}">
    dl class="ctrlUnit AttachedFilesUnit">
    dt><label for="ctrl_uploader">{xen:phrase attached_files}:</label></dt>
    dd><xen:include template="attachment_editor" /></dd>
    In conversation_message_edit:


    PHP Code: 
          <input type="submit" value="{xen:phrase save_changes}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" /> 

    Add below:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:include template="attachment_upload_button" /> 

    PHP Code: 
          <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}/> 
    PHP Code: 
          Add above
    PHP Code: 
          <xen:if is="{$attachmentParams}">
    dl class="ctrlUnit AttachedFilesUnit">
    dt><label for="ctrl_uploader">{xen:phrase attached_files}:</label></dt>
    dd><xen:include template="attachment_editor" /></dd>
    In conversation_message:

    Add at top:
    PHP Code: 
          <xen:require css="conversationAttachments_conversation_message.css" /> 

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:set var="$messageId">message-{$message.message_id}</xen:set
    Add below:

    PHP Code: 
          <xen:set var="$messageContentAfterTemplate"><xen:if is="{$message.attachments}"><xen:include template="attached_files"><xen:map from="$messageto="$post/></xen:include></xen:if></xen:set
    Please note all attachments will be unassociated upon uninstallation, and will subsequently be deleted.

    1. Revert all your template edits.
    2. Go to your Admin CP > Manage Add-ons > Conversation Attachments > Controls > Uninstall
    3. Remove the ConversationAttachments folder from the /library directory of your XenForo installation.
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo


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