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    Default Sách Linux RH442 Red Hat Enterprise System Monitoring and Performance Tuning  

    Thời gian qua làm việc về linux khá nhiều, việc quản trị server linux cũng khá nặng đòi hỏi mình phải có kiến thức thật pro để tiếp tục công việc và cũng là niềm đam mê của mình 3-4 năm nay. Mình có đặt mua 1 cuốn sách Red Hat Linux từ USA về tên là:

    RH442 Red Hat Enterprise System Monitoring and Performance Tuning

    Nội dung:

    Unit 1 - Elements of Monitoring and Tuning
    • Performance tuning is...
    • Before you begin
    • How much is how much?
    • Calculating unit conversions
    • Monitoring
    • Monitoring vs. Profiling
    • Whole-system view
    • Sample application model
    • Sample hardware model
    • Before tuning the kernel
    • Kernel tunables
    • Using system documentation
    • Recovering from problems

    Unit 2 - Simple Network Monitoring
    • SNMP
    • SNMP versions
    • Management Information Base
    • The MIB hierarchy
    • Referring to MIB objects
    • Reading a MIB file
    • Installing SNMP packages
    • Finding MIB objects
    • Using SNMP v1 for queries
    • Using SNMP v3 for queries
    • Configuring the SNMP client
    • Enabling the SNMP agent
    • Profiling SNMP host access controls
    • Configuring SNMP v1 access
    • Configuring SNMP v3 access
    • Beyond RH442: Extending snmpd

    Unit 3 - Graphical Reporting
    • MRTG
    • Configuring MRTG
    • Allowing access to MRTG
    • Creating a dashboard in MRTG
    • Ad-hoc utilities
    • Installing iostat and sar
    • Using iostat and sar
    • Configuring sar
    • Awk
    • Using awk
    • Gnuplot
    • Using Gnuplot
    • Creating a custom script
    • Scheduling a custom script

    Unit 4 - Kernel-Level Profiling
    • OProfile
    • Installing OProfile
    • Installing kernel-debuginfo
    • Setting up OProfile
    • Running a test
    • Reviewing results
    • OProfile architecture
    • SystemTap
    • Required packages
    • SystemTap scripts
    • The stap command

    Unit 5 - Queuing Theory
    • Introduction to queuing theory
    • Little's Law
    • Queue length
    • Queue length vs wait time
    • Wait time
    • A closer look at wait time
    • How much user time is needed?
    • Profiling time with time
    • Finding hot spots in code
    • Completion rate
    • Arrival rate vs completion rate
    • Finding a valid observation period
    • Predicting system-wide limits
    • Predicting resource limits
    • Summary of strategies

    Unit 6 - Compensating for Physical Disk Characteristics
    • Physical factors affect disk IO
    • Disk storage density
    • Choosing a peripheral interconnect
    • SCSI bus considerations
    • Electro-mechanical positioning
    • Block IO requests and cache effect
    • Tuning sequential read access
    • Tuning the disk queue
    • Tuning the deadline scheduler
    • Tuning the anticipatory scheduler
    • Tuning the noop scheduler
    • Tuning the (default) cfq scheduler
    • Fine-tuning the cfq scheduler
    • Physical block device interfaces
    • Virtual block devices
    • Tuning virtual block devices
    • Logical volumes and VBDs
    • Implementing snapshot storage

    Unit 7 - Reducing Disk Visit Count
    • The virtual file system (VFS)
    • Layout of ext2/ext3
    • Fragmentation
    • Viewing fragmentation
    • Tuning fragmentation
    • Filesystem limits
    • Journaling
    • Improving journal performance
    • Tuning journal placement
    • Other mount-time options
    • Finding lock contention
    • Reducing visit count with RAID
    • Calculating chunk size
    • Calculating filesystem stride
    • Tuning round-robin RAID
    • Write overhead for RAID5 and RAID6
    • Improving RAID1 performance
    • Tuning RAID1
    • Tuning RAID in SysFS

    Unit 8 - Processes and the Scheduler
    • Characterizing process states
    • Getting ready to run
    • Types of CPU cache
    • Locality of reference
    • Improving locality of reference
    • Multitasking and the run queue
    • Preempting the current process
    • Sorting the run queue
    • Tuning scheduler policy
    • Viewing CPU performance data

    Unit 9 - Kernel Timing and Process Latency
    • How Linux tracks time
    • Tuning system ticks
    • Tuning processor speed
    • IRQ balancing
    • Tuning IRQ affinity
    • Equalizing CPU visit count
    • Tuning process affinity with taskset
    • Tuning run queue length with taskset
    • Hot-plugging CPUs
    • Scheduler domains
    • Configuring the root cpuset
    • Configuring a child cpuset
    • Important files for scheduler domains
    • Virtual CPUs
    • Tuning VCPUs at domain creation
    • Tuning VCPUs dynamically
    • Tuning VCPU affinity

    Unit 10 - Memory Addressing and Allocation
    • Overview of memory addressing
    • Virtual address space (32-bit)
    • Viewing process address space
    • Tuning process address space
    • Physical address space
    • Mapping virtual addresses (x86)
    • Uniform memory architecture (x86)
    • Overview of memory allocation
    • Improving RAM performance
    • Improving MMU performance
    • Tuning the NUMA allocator
    • Improving TLB performance
    • Tuning TLB performance
    • Viewing system calls
    • Virtual domain memory
    • Tuning memory at domain creation
    • Tuning domain memory dynamically
    • Recovering unassigned memory

    Unit 11 - Memory Caches
    • Strategies for using memory
    • A closer look at demand paging
    • Tuning page allocation
    • Tuning overcommit
    • Slab cache
    • ARP cache
    • Tuning ARP cache
    • Page cache
    • Tuning page cache
    • Anonymous pages
    • SysV IPC
    • Tuning SysV IPC
    • Viewing memory with free
    • Other commands to view memory usage

    Unit 12 - Memory Reclamation
    • Characterizing page status
    • Calculating dirty and clean memory
    • Reclaiming dirty pages
    • Tuning pdflush
    • Reclaiming clean pages
    • Out-of-memory killer
    • Tuning OOM policy
    • Detecting memory leaks
    • What is swap?
    • Improving swap performance
    • Tuning swappiness
    • Tuning swap size
    • Tuning swap for think time
    • Tuning swap visit count
    • Monitoring memory usage

    Unit 13 - Essential Network Tuning
    • Simplified transmit model
    • Simplified receive model
    • Kernel socket buffers
    • Calculating total buffer size
    • Calculating per-socket buffer size
    • Tuning core buffer size
    • Tuning TCP buffer size
    • Tuning DMA buffer size
    • Is packet fragmentation a problem?
    • Tuning fragmentation buffers
    • Network interrupt handling
    • Improving interrupt handling
    • Tuning interrupt handling
    • Network sockets
    • TCP sockets
    • Viewing network sockets
    • Tuning TCP socket creation
    • Tuning TCP socket keepalive

    Appendix A
    Review Topics
    Appendix B
    Advanced Network Performance Tuning

    Có thể nói đây là cuốn sách khá sâu về Linux của Red Hat cho dân system, mình đã tìm các hãng khác như SuSE, Ubuntu, IBM... nhưng không có các course tương tự, sách này không chỉ tốt cho dân system engineer mà giúp ích cho dân programming nữa. Mình mong muốn có nó từ lâu rồi nhưng search trên mạng hoài thấy chỉ có bản RH442 version 4.1 năm 2005, khá cũ và không được đầy đủ nữa, các bạn có thể download về tham khảo ở link sau:


    Nếu bạn nào cần tài liệu này mình sẽ photo từ sách gốc của mình (đảm bảo nội dung đầy đủ và rõ ràng) gửi các bạn, giá 1 cuốn là 300k (tặng 1 trong 2 cuốn lab Linux Advance)

    Tên: Nguyễn Trung Hiếu
    Phone: 0919761185
    YM: thaygiaoth

    Ngoài ra mình cũng đang kiếm các sách sau (nếu có đủ tiền sẽ mua về luyện tiếp)

    Linux NFS and Automounter Administration

    The Exim SMTP Mail Server: Official Guide for Release 4

    Anh em nào có 2 sách trên (ebook hay sách đều ok) có thể trao đổi tài liệu với mình

    Chân thành cảm ơn các anh em thời gian qua đã mua sách ủng hộ mình, giúp mình để dành lương mua sách (do you believe? it's up to you!)


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