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  1. #1
    nguoimientay.info's Avatar

    Trạng thái
    Tham gia ngày
    Jul 2011
    Thành viên thứ
    Giới tính
    Bài gởi
    Level: 28 [?]
    Experience: 169,352
    Next Level: 195,661
    Cảm ơn 51
    Cảm ơn 8 lần / 7 Bài viết

    Default [HELP] Thay đổi kích thước khung hiển thị Icon  

    Kính chào BQT!

    Mong BQT hướng dẫn mình chỉnh như sau nhé:

    1. Cách thay đổi kích thước khung hiển thị các icon trên khung Editor. Mình có thêm các Icon BBcode nhưng trên khung Editor hiển thị không hết các Icon đó.

    2. Thread prefixes trong Topx bị dư cái []

    Dưới đây là code ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics - Get Data mà mình đang dùng (bản 6.0.1)

    global $vbulletin;
    if ($vbulletin->options['changstats_turn'])
        // get result value
        $cresult = intval($_REQUEST['result']);
        if ($checkonerow)
            $cresult_alt = $cresult;
            $ch1 = ($cresult + 1)*16;
            $ch2 = $ch1;
            $cresult_alt = floor($cresult / 2);
            $ch2 = $cresult_alt * 16;
            $ch1 = $ch2 * 2 + 38;
        $listr2 = explode("," , $vbulletin->options['changstats_chooseresult']);
    if (in_array($cresult, $listr2))
        if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'allforum' || $_REQUEST['do'] == 'inforum')
            $changstatsforumperms = array();
            foreach($vbulletin->forumcache AS $changtsforum)
                $changstatsforumperms[$changtsforum["forumid"]] = fetch_permissions($changtsforum['forumid']);
                if ((!($changstatsforumperms[$changtsforum["forumid"]] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) OR (!($changtsforum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['active']) AND !$vbulletin->options['showprivateforums'] AND !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))))
                    $limitfids .= ','.$changtsforum['forumid'];
            $hiddenforum = $limitfids;
            if ($vbulletin->options[changstats_hiddenforum])
                $hiddenforum .= ','.$vbulletin->options[changstats_hiddenforum];
            $threadclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_trim_threadtitle']; // thread title trim
            $forumclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_trim_forumtitle']; // forum title trim
            $userclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_trim_username']; // username trim
            $vuserid = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; // get logged user id
            if ($vbulletin->options['changstats_lpshowprefix'])
                $queryfield = "threadid,title,prefixid,lastpostid,lastpost,forumid,replycount,views,lastposter,postuserid,dateline";
                $queryfield = "threadid,title,lastpostid,lastpost,forumid,replycount,views,lastposter,postuserid,dateline";
            if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'allforum')
                $latestpostq = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT $queryfield FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread WHERE forumid NOT IN (0$hiddenforum) AND visible = 1 AND lastpostid > 0 ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT $cresult");
                $foruminid = $vbulletin->db->escape_string($_REQUEST['listforumid']);
                $latestpostq = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT $queryfield FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread WHERE forumid IN ($foruminid) AND forumid NOT IN (0$limitfids) AND visible = 1 AND lastpostid > 0 ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT $cresult");
            while ($latestpost = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($latestpostq))
                $latestpost[fulltitle] = $latestpost[title];
                $latestpost[fullposter] = $latestpost[lastposter];
                if ($vbulletin->options['changstats_lpshowprefix'] && $latestpost[prefixid])
                    $latestpost[prefixplain] = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$latestpost[prefixid].'_title_rich'];
                    $latestpost[prefixrich] = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$latestpost[prefixid].'_title_rich'];
                $clastpost = $latestpost[lastpost];
                // change time format
                $latestpost[lastposttime_alt] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $latestpost[lastpost], 1).' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $latestpost[lastpost]);
                $latestpost[lastpost] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['changstats_formatlatestpost'], $latestpost[lastpost]);
                $latestpost[threadstarttime] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $latestpost[dateline], 1).' '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $latestpost[dateline]);
                // trim thread title
                if ($threadclimit > 0)
                    $latestpost[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($latestpost[title], $threadclimit - strlen($latestpost[prefixplain]));
                // get forum title store thread and trim
                $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT title FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum WHERE forumid = $latestpost[forumid] LIMIT 1");
                $latestpost['foruminfo']['forumid'] = $latestpost['forumid'];
                $latestpost['foruminfo']['title'] = $qinfo['title'];
                $latestpost['foruminfo']['title_trim'] = strip_tags($latestpost['foruminfo']['title']); // remove html tag
                if ($forumclimit > 0)
                    $latestpost['foruminfo']['title_trim'] = fetch_trimmed_title($latestpost['foruminfo']['title_trim'], $forumclimit);
                // get lastposter id and markup and trim
                $latestpost[fulllastposter] = $latestpost[lastposter];
                $thread_starter = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT usergroupid,displaygroupid,username FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE userid = '$latestpost[postuserid]' LIMIT 1");
                $latestpost[threadstarter] = fetch_musername($thread_starter);
                $last_poster = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE postid = '$latestpost[lastpostid]' LIMIT 1");
                $latestpost[lastposterid] = $last_poster[userid];
                $last_poster = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT usergroupid,displaygroupid,username FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE userid = '$latestpost[lastposterid]' LIMIT 1");
                $latestpost[lastposter_alt] = fetch_musername($last_poster);
                if ($userclimit > 0)
                    $last_poster[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($last_poster[username], $userclimit);
                $latestpost[lastposter] = fetch_musername($last_poster);
                $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT lastvisit FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE userid = $vuserid LIMIT 1");
                $vlastvisit = $qinfo['lastvisit'];
                $pstatus = '';
                if ($vlastvisit > $clastpost)
                    $pstatus = 'old';
                    $pstatus = 'new';
                //eval("\$changtop_lastpost_bit .= \"".$vbulletin->templatecache['changuondyu_latestpost_bit']."\";");
                $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_latestpost_bit');
                $temp->register('latestpost', $latestpost);
                $temp->register('pstatus', $pstatus);
                $changtop_lastpost_bit .= $temp->render();  
            $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_latestpost_head');
            $temp->register('changtop_lastpost_bit', $changtop_lastpost_bit);
            $temp->register('ch1', $ch1);
    // TOP
    $toplist = $vbulletin->options['changstats_topselect_1'].','.$vbulletin->options['changstats_topselect_2'].','.$vbulletin->options['changstats_topselect_3'].','.$vbulletin->options['changstats_topselect_4'];
    $toplist = explode(',', $toplist);
    if ($vbulletin->options['changstats_top_turn'] && in_array($_REQUEST['do'], $toplist))
    // Trim Value
    $topuserclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_topusertrim'];
    $topthreadclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_topthreadtrim'];
    $topforumclimit = $vbulletin->options['changstats_topforumtrim'];
    /////////////// Latest commets /////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'latestcomment')
            $changstatsforumperms = array();
            foreach($vbulletin->forumcache AS $changtsforum)
                $changstatsforumperms[$changtsforum["forumid"]] = fetch_permissions($changtsforum['forumid']);
                if ((!($changstatsforumperms[$changtsforum["forumid"]] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) OR (!($changtsforum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['active']) AND !$vbulletin->options['showprivateforums'] AND !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(5,6,7))))
                    $limitfids .= ','.$changtsforum['forumid'];
            $hiddenforum = $limitfids;
            if ($vbulletin->options[changstats_hiddenforum])
                $hiddenforum .= ','.$vbulletin->options[changstats_hiddenforum];
            $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT threadid,title,lastcmid,lastcmpost FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread WHERE forumid NOT IN (0$hiddenforum) ORDER BY lastcm DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
            while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
                $title = $top[title];
                if ($topthreadclimit > 0)
                { $top[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[title], $topthreadclimit); }
                 $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid,username FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."post_comment WHERE commentid=$top[lastcmid] LIMIT 1");
                 if ($qinfo)
                     $lcuser = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid,username,usergroupid,displaygroupid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE userid=$qinfo[userid] LIMIT 1");
                     if ($topuserclimit > 0)
                     { $lcuser['username'] = fetch_trimmed_title($lcuser['username'], $topuserclimit); }
                     $top['musername'] = fetch_musername($lcuser);
                     $top['userid'] = $qinfo['userid'];
                 $colum1 = "<a href='showthread.php?p=$top[lastcmpost]#commentbit_$top[lastcmid]'>".$top[title]."</a>";
                 $colum2 = "<a href='member.php?u=$top[userid]'>$top[musername]</a>";
                 $head1 = $vbphrase['thread'];
                $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Newest Member /////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'newmember')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid,username,joindate,usergroupid,displaygroupid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $itemtitle = $top[username];
     if ($topuserclimit > 0)
     { $top[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[username], $topuserclimit); }
     $top[username] = fetch_musername($top);
     $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$top[username]."</a>";
     $colum2 = vbdate($vbulletin->options['changstats_userdate'], $top[joindate]);
     $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[join_date];
            $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Top Poster //////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'topposter')
        $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid,username,posts,usergroupid,displaygroupid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user ORDER BY posts DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
        while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
            $itemtitle = $top[username];
            if ($topuserclimit > 0)
            { $top[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[username], $topuserclimit); }
            $top[username] = fetch_musername($top);
            $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$top[username]."</a>";
            $colum2 = $top[posts];
            $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
            $head2 = $vbphrase[posts];
            $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Richest member //////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'toprich')
    $point_field = $vbulletin->options['changstats_pointfield'];
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid,username,$point_field,usergroupid,displaygroupid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user ORDER BY $point_field DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $itemtitle = $top[username];
     if ($topuserclimit > 0)
     { $top[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[username], $topuserclimit); }
     $top[username] = fetch_musername($top);
     $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$top[username]."</a>";
     $colum2 = round($top[$point_field]);
     $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[changamount];
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Top Thank //////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'topthank')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid,username,post_thanks_thanked_times,usergroupid,displaygroupid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user ORDER BY post_thanks_thanked_times DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $itemtitle = $top[username];
     if ($topuserclimit > 0)
     { $top[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[username], $topuserclimit); }
     $top[username] = fetch_musername($top);
     $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$top[username]."</a>";
     $colum2 = $top[post_thanks_thanked_times];
     $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[changamount];
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    ///////////// Most Reply Threads ///////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'mostreplythread')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT threadid,title,replycount FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread ORDER BY replycount DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $itemtitle = $top[title];
     if ($topthreadclimit > 0)
     { $top[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[title], $topthreadclimit); }
     $colum1 = "<a href='showthread.php?t=".$top[threadid]."'>".$top[title]."</a>";
     $colum2 = $top[replycount];
     $head1 = $vbphrase[thread];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[replies];
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    ///////////// Most view thread ///////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'mostviewthread')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT threadid,title,views FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $itemtitle = $top[title];
     if ($topthreadclimit > 0)
     { $top[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[title], $topthreadclimit); }
     $colum1 = "<a href='showthread.php?t=".$top[threadid]."'>".$top[title]."</a>";
     $colum2 = $top[views];
     $head1 = $vbphrase[thread];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[views];
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    //////////////////// Most popular forum ////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'mostpopularforum')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT forumid,title,replycount FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum ORDER BY replycount DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
     $top[title] = strip_tags($top[title]);
     $itemtitle = $top[title];
     if ($topforumclimit > 0)
     { $top[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[title], $topforumclimit); }
     $colum1 = "<a href='forumdisplay.php?f=".$top[forumid]."'>".$top[title]."</a>";
     $colum2 = $top[replycount];
     $head1 = $vbphrase[forum];
     $head2 = '';
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    //////////////////// Newest Polls ////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'newpoll')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT pollid,question FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."poll WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY pollid DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
        $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT threadid,title FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread WHERE pollid = $top[pollid] LIMIT 1");
        $itemtitle = $qinfo[title];
        if ($topthreadclimit > 0)
            $qinfo[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($qinfo[title], $topforumclimit);
        $colum1 = "<a href='showthread.php?t=".$qinfo[threadid]."'>".$qinfo[title]."</a>";
        $colum2 = '';
        $head1 = $vbphrase[thread];
     $head2 = '';
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    //////////////////// Most Voted Polls ////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'mostvotepoll')
    $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT pollid,question,voters FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."poll WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY voters DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
    while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
        $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT threadid,title FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread WHERE pollid = $top[pollid] LIMIT 1");
        $itemtitle = $qinfo[title];
        if ($topthreadclimit > 0)
            $qinfo[title] = fetch_trimmed_title($qinfo[title], $topforumclimit);
        $colum1 = "<a href='showthread.php?t=".$qinfo[threadid]."'>".$qinfo[title]."</a>";
        $colum2 = $top[voters];
        $head1 = $vbphrase[thread];
     $head2 = $vbphrase[votes];
     $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Latest Banned Users /////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'banneduser')
        $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT userid,bandate FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."userban ORDER BY bandate DESC LIMIT $cresult_alt");
        while ($top = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($top_query))
            $qinfo = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT username FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE userid = $top[userid] LIMIT 1");
            $itemtitle = $qinfo[username];
            if ($topuserclimit > 0)
                $qinfo[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($qinfo[username], $topuserclimit);
            $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$qinfo[username]."</a>";
            $colum2 = vbdate($vbulletin->options['changstats_userdate'], $top[bandate]);
            $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
            $head2 = $vbphrase[date];
            $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    /////////////// Top Thread Starters /////////////////
    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'threadstarter')
        $top_query = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
                        SELECT COUNT(thread.threadid) AS threads, thread.postuserid, thread.dateline, user.userid, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid, user.username
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
                        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (thread.postuserid = user.userid)
                        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum ON (forum.forumid = thread.forumid)
                        WHERE thread.visible='1'
                        GROUP BY thread.postuserid
                        ORDER BY threads DESC
                        LIMIT $cresult_alt
        while ($top = $db->fetch_array($top_query))
            $itemtitle = $top[username];
            if ($topuserclimit > 0)
                $top[username] = fetch_trimmed_title($top[username], $topuserclimit);
            $top[username] = fetch_musername($top);
            $colum1 = "<a href='member.php?u=".$top[userid]."'>".$top[username]."</a>";
            $colum2 = $top[threads];
            $head1 = $vbphrase[username];
            $head2 = $vbphrase[threads];
            $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_bit');
            $temp->register('head1', $head1);
            $temp->register('head2', $head2);
            $temp->register('colum1', $colum1);
            $temp->register('colum2', $colum2);
            $temp->register('itemtitle', $itemtitle);
            $chang_top_element .= $temp->render();    
        $temp = vB_Template::create('changuondyu_top_head');
        $temp->register('chang_top_element', $chang_top_element);
    } // top turn
    Mình có chỉnh sửa trong code trên như sau:
    Chỉnh: $latestpost[prefixplain] = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$latestpost[prefixid].'_title_plain'];
    Sang: $latestpost[prefixplain] = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$latestpost[prefixid].'_title_rich'];

    Mình thay title_plain bằng title_rich

    $latestpost[prefixrich] = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$latestpost[prefixid].'_title_rich']; Giữ nguyên

    Trân trọng!
    thay đổi nội dung bởi: nguoimientay.info; 15-09-2011 lúc 09:05 AM

  2. #2
    haihungit_9x's Avatar

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    Vấn đề thứ nhất bạn tìm mod quick reply của itvnn cho vb 4.1.5..là oki.
    Vấn đề thứ 2 chỗ chữ thong báo xáo dấu [] đi vì nó đã có mặc định của vb rùi.

  3. Thành viên sau đây nói lời Cảm ơn tới haihungit_9x cho bài viết hữu ích này:

    nguoimientay.info (19-09-2011)

  4. #3
    Tiểu Bá Vương 1404's Avatar

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    1. Phiên bản đó dùng cho vB 3 hay vB 4. Thử cái v6.0.2 đi.

    Thay đổi cái rich_prefix và plain_prefix làm gì ? Nó đã có hai biến tương ứng đi kèm rồi.
    2. Trong phần "Add New BB Code", mục Button Image đã có nói rõ, image chỉ nên ở kích thước 20x20. Nhưng theo mình kích thước 16x16 là chuẩn nhất.
    File Kèm Theo File Kèm Theo

  5. Thành viên sau đây nói lời Cảm ơn tới Tiểu Bá Vương 1404 cho bài viết hữu ích này:

    nguoimientay.info (19-09-2011)


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