11/20/09 - uCash 4.0.1 released, adding the option to edit a user's points when editing a user in the Admin CP. For some reason I thought that was already implemented. Whatever, it's there now. Enjoy.
Welcome to uCash 4.0.x!
uCash is a points system for vBulletin. 4.0.x is the continuation of uCash 3.9, which is a rewrite of previous uCash versions from scratch designed for vBulletin 4 and up. Simply upload the files located in the 'upload' folder and import product-ucash.xml in the Product Manager of vBulletin (allowing overwrite if you are upgrading). If you are installing this as a first time user of uCash then congrats, everything should be working and you can configure the options to your liking from there.
If you have a previous (pre-3.9) install of uCash or uCash & uShop still in the database, please read "oldupgrades.txt".
If you have any issues to report with this addon, please post it in this thread. Include all relevant details, such as vBulletin version and any previous install of uCash or uCash & uShop and its version number. Please do not PM or IM me for support unless you have a showstopping bug or exploit to report.
Wall of text aside, please enjoy the latest release of uCash, and feel free to post any ideas or comments here. Thanks!
For a more full list of current features in this beta, look at the screenshots displaying the main settings and per-forum settings. Note that screenshots may be out of date. For full-sized screenshots, go here: http://cuphat.com/mods/ucash/
Screen Shot: